Thursday, October 03, 2024

Garden Stroll

15 August 2024 

Recent Pictures taken at My Home here in Macon, Georgia.  I am a bit slow in publishing them here.

Friday, August 23, 2024

 We Must Demand The Truth

in the Political Promotions and/or

Commercials For the Upcoming 

Presidential Elections!!!

Here is a letter I just sent to My Duly Elected Leaders: 

                                                                         Alan F. E. Thiese


                 23 August 2024


The President of the United States of America

The Vice President of the United States of America

The Senate Majority Leader

The House of Representatives Speaker

The Senior Senator for Georgia

The Junior Senator for Georgia

The Eighth District Representative for Georgia


Greetings Honorable and Duly Elected Officials,


This is Number 35.  As You review the attached letter you may wonder how I remember so much.  A quick story here is in order.  Many Years ago when My Sons were in Middle and High School it only happened a few times when they would perform poorly on a History Exam.  I would discuss the situation with them and remind them that all they had to was review the assigned material.  Their quick response was usually:  “Dad, this History is easy for You, it happened during your lifetime!”  My usually response was something like this:  “In spite of what you may think, I was not a Mess Cook on Noah’s Ark.  Admittedly I was a subject matter expert on the Vietnam War and later History, but what I knew then and still know now came from a study of the books I was assigned to read. 


Why is this applicable?  As you review My letter of 22 August 2024 to Madame Kamala Harris contains a lot of History from My Own Youth.  Simply stated “I remember!”


As we all prepare for Election Day 2024 I consider it crucial that we all keep to the actual facts in the Campaign Promotions the Candidates use.  These Promotions can be, as you know, E-Mails/Social Post on the Plethora of Media/Television Commercials/Mailed Flyers/Phone Calls!  Some of the “Stuff” I have viewed or exposed to by the various media is simply not true.  Just this morning My Sony was expounding some TV Commercials that stated that the Republican Candidate for President was going to “Do a Ban on Abortion USA Wide/Eliminate Social Security/and other topics that our Friends in the Democrat Party are promoting to win this upcoming Election.  Some of this “stuff” was also mentioned by the Democrat Candidate President during the Democrat National Convention (DNC) last evening, 22 August 2024. 


Additionally, the Democrat Candidate for President this November is “reinventing” herself.  A few weeks ago she was against a long list of stuff.  Now she is reportedly supporting “Fracking,” Downplaying the impact of the “Green New Deal” to list but a few projects/schemes she has supported and in some cases very actively supported and promoted in the past!  I get the impression she is now on the “Other Side of the Fence” in an effort to garner Votes.  If she should win will she maintain her new “self” once she is sworn in as Our President? 


From My own Point of View – I doubt she will remain consistent with her new found positions/policies she is currently using to gain the Office of President of the United States.  Her current positions/policies could simply be a guise to win the Election.


Additionally, Her Advisors and/or Handlers may be keeping her uninformed on the real status inflation, which I discussed in My letter of 22 August 2024.


In any regard, I will hold any of you accountable, as the Media also should for any change in course she is currently using to possibly win this Upcoming Election.  It is really against any and all principles of “Leadership” to gain a position that may be coveted by anyone Person, Group, or even a Political Party.


If this is the best the Democrats have to Offer, Commercial/Promotion wise than I would humbly suggest that:

We All Need Pray, No Matter What Faith/Belief We Profess That Our Respective God/Supreme Leader Maintain the United States of America A “City on The Hill!” and also a leader of all Freedom Loving Peoples on this Planet.

I continue to have HOPE In and For the Future of the United States of America!!!


One of the words I heard often during the just completed “Democrat National Convention” is “JOY!”  I am still waiting for the expressions of “JOY” from the families in our beloved United States of America who have lost loved ones from the crimes against people committed by the “Illegal Immigrants” the Biden/Harris allowed in to Our USA!  I do not anticipate that there is much “JOY” for the Families who have lost Loved Ones because of Fentanyl in the last three and one half years.  I am respectfully suggesting that there certainly be “JOY” once our Fentanyl Problem is eliminated and the Crimes against people dramatically reduced.  Just this Morning it was reported that over 37 shots were fired and experienced in the City of Chicago and at least Seven people were Killed during the period of the recent Convention.  Not much “JOY” in that statistic. 


Submitted with True Concern for our United States of America and also the Planet,


Alan F. E. Thiese

My Recent Correspondence with

Democrat Presidential Hopeful

Alan F. E. Thiese

22 August 2024


Madame Kamala Harris

Harris Victory Fund

Post Office Box 96663

Washington, D. C.   20077-0752




I take this opportunity today to send you a letter to share information with You as You seek the Office of President of the United States of America.  I am always impressed that Candidates send me letter requesting My Financial Support.  That stated I am My Father’s Son.  My Sainted Dad would always write to candidates in long hand and express His concerns and also ask them their views and plans regarding various subjects of concern to him.  If he received no response he quickly crossed them off of the list of people he would vote for.  Both My Sister and I are following his example.  I realize that this address is set up to process Financial Donations and hopefully some one here can forward this letter to you.


What You may not know about Alan is that He served in our U.S.  Navy from August 31, 1961 through December 31, 1981.  I served of four U. S. Navy Ships and deployed three times to defend our U.S.A.  Two to the Western Pacific and one to the Mediterranean Sea.  The first deployment was on the USS Ranger (CVA-61) of Top Gun Fame to the   The Western Pacific before anyone except the People in High Positions knew about the Vietnam War.  The deployment to the Med was on a Guided Missile Destroyer and My final Deployment was to the Pacific onboard the last All Gunned Destroyer the USS Hull (DD-945).  The Hull was named after the DD-350 which was sunk during World War II during Typhoon Cobra.  I would urge You and even your Campaign Staff to Read the Book – “Sea Cobra” by Macon, Georgia Native Buckner F. Melton Jr. who performed in depth research reviewing over 500 documents contained in a wide number of sources to write this compelling document which describes the events of December 18, 1944 when several ships were lost at Sea as well as the lives of over 700 Young Sailors.  One of the Navy Officers involved in the rescue of the survivors was a Young Navy Lieutenant named Gerald R. Ford.  As You most likely know he served our U.S.A. as a President many years later.  Of course the high point of My Service was My time onboard the USS Ranger (CVA-61) where I worked in the Operations Office which allowed me to learn much about World War II from the events that the Operations Officer shared with us all. He was a Naval Aviator and he often took the opportunity to share his experiences as a Survivor of the Bataan Death March.  The Skipper of the Ranger was also involved in World War II and was a renown Fighter Pilot who was credited with many kills.

The most educational Shore Duty for me, a Young Sailor from the Farms of Northeast Iowa, was my assignment to the staff of U. S. Naval Forces, Europe.   The Admiral was John S. McCain, the Father of a former Prisoner of War during Vietnam who went on to serve as a U. S. Senator.


It was during this Staff Duty that I participated on the Memorial Service honoring President Dwight David Eisenhower for his performance in the European Theater of Operations during World War II as the Army General responsible for the successful “D” Operation.


I provide this information here so that You can appreciate that I consider myself very well invested in the future of our United States of America.  I frequently correspond with the top leadership of our Government and frequently receive replies. 


As You can appreciate I am especially interested in the future of our U. S. Navy and I was delighted to hear one of Your Campaign Commericals where You stated that You would take care of the Military.  I now take this opportunity to share a list of our current and future Aircraft Carrier which I just obtained from the World Wide Web.


WASHINGTON — The Navy is weighing what to do about the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier, which has been battling Houthi rebel attacks on shipping in the Red Sea for nearly nine months. The question is how to replicate the carrier’s combat power if the ship returns home.

The service has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Generally, they are getting ready to deploy, are deployed or have come off deployment and have gone in for maintenance and repairs.

The carriers have a lifespan of about 50 years, and halfway through they undergo a major overhaul of their nuclear and other systems, which can take several years.

Here’s a look at where the Navy’s carriers are now:


USS Dwight D. Eisenhower — Based in Norfolk, Virginia, and in the Red Sea, it left Norfolk on Oct. 14, 2023. Has been extended twice.

USS George Washington — It is off the coast of Chile, sailing from Norfolk to San Diego and then on to Japan, where it will be deployed, replacing the USS Ronald Reagan.

USS Theodore Roosevelt — Based in San Diego, it has been deployed in Indo-Pacific Command since January and is in the South China Sea.

USS Ronald Reagan — It has been the carrier deployed in Japan. It is on patrol in the Philippine Sea and will be going to San Diego.

Preparing to deploy

USS Harry S. Truman — It is based off the coast of Norfolk in pre-deployment workups. It is about halfway through its training for deployment and doing workups with the strike group. It is expected to deploy in October/November.

USS Carl Vinson — It is in the port in San Diego and is in pre-deployment workups. It will go to the large, multinational military exercise known as the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) in July and deploy into Pacific Command late in the year.

USS Abraham Lincoln — It is based in San Diego and has just finished its final composite unit training exercises and will deploy to Pacific Command in July.

Being repaired

USS George H. W. Bush — It went into maintenance last December.

USS Gerald R. Ford — It just returned from deployment and has entered its maintenance phase, which should last about a year.

USS John C. Stennis — In May 2021, the Stennis went into what’s known as RCOH — the major refueling complex overhaul — which can take four years. It is expected to return to duty in 2025. RCOH happens about midway through a carrier’s lifespan, and during that time, the ship’s electronics and combat and propulsion systems are upgraded, replaced and tested.

USS Nimitz — It went into maintenance in October 2023 and will move to workups later this year.

Not in service

PCU John F. Kennedy — It will be delivered to the Navy next year.

Navy to Name Future Ford Class Aircraft Carrier After WWII Hero Doris Miller

Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas B. Modly will name a future Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier in honor of World War II hero Ship's Cook Third Class Doris Miller during a ceremony in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.


If you are Elected as our Next President You will become very involved in critical decisions made in the White House Situation Room.  When a crisis erupts and the Situation Room is considering any possible action/s the question often asked is where are the Carriers.


Along with our vast arsenal of Nuclear Powered Submarines we in the U.S.A. can be proud of our Military.  Unfortunately our Current Administration of the Biden/Harris White House has not kept the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under control because of our President’s Son, Hunter’s involvement in China.  President Biden appears to not wanting to upset the current situation which according to various reports has resulted in major funding of the Biden Family.  Certainly a sad situation which I sincerely hope you will not continue if elected this November.


Now to give you some appreciation of the impact of the late Representative Carl Vinson we here in Georgia are a proud group of citizens who respect our U. S. Military.  We are well blessed with many major Military Facilities which have many citizens that contribute major funding to our State Economy.  Here is a list I compiled a few years ago for our Georgia Government:



Military Bases in Georgia

A Summary of the economic impact of the 8 larger Facilities


Please Note that that the information below is what I was able to acquire from the respective Web-Sites of these Facilities.  There is no standard format required so I am presenting what I learned.


Warner Robins Airforce Base – Warner Robins.  2019 information.  Workforce 23,968 of which 14,821 are civilians, 6,188 are Military and 2,958 Other employees – most likely Contractors.  The 2019 Economic Impact was reported as 3.38 Billion.


Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Air Base near Savannah.  21,818 Active Duty.  Army 18,429.  Reserve Members 593.  Students 127 and 478 Other Services.  DOD Civilians – 4,983. 1,143 Military Family Members.  28,739 Retirees and Family Members 45,454.  Total:  121,763.


King’s Bay Submarine Base near St. Mary’s.  Because of Security Concerns the only population data available was from the 2010 Census.  A total population of the Military Community was reported as 50,513.


Moody Air Force Base near Valdosta.  The only data I found was the On Base Population was listed as 886.


Dobbins Air Force Reserve  Base near Atlanta.  2500 Air Force Reservist and more than 2000 Navy/Marine/Navy Reservist.  This does not include Family Members or Military Contractors.


Fort Gordon Army Base near Augusta.  Of special note at least 5,000 Military who serve at the Cyber Security Headquarters which was established in 2014.  30,000 Military and Civilian Employees.  Estimated Economic Impact 1.1 Billion.


Fort Benning Army Base/Training Command near Columbus.  120.000 Active Duty, Family Members, Reservist, Retirees and Civilian Employes.


Marine Corps Logistics, Albany.  1000 Military and 3000 Dod Civilian personnel and Contractors.


Additionally I learned from the Veteran’s Administration (VA) Web-Site that there are 697,127 Veterans living in Georgia which is 8.98% of the Georgia population.  Of these over 88,000 are Female Veterans.  This data was as of September 30, 2017.


Compiled on 13 January 2021


With this information now available to you I would suggest that You not allow your Vice President Selection, Mr. Tim Walz conduct any campaign activities in Georgia.  I can not begin to comprehend how My Fellow Georgia Citizens will react to any stops he would do in Georgia in light of His Current nickname “Tampon Tim” which has been given to him in Conservative Circles here in our Country!


As you continue your campaign with statements that you will support our Military and the Veterans that have previously served please remember that the Biden/Harris team has targeted us with increased Prescription Cost.  Just recently I was charged a total of $16.20 for two items of medicine that from any and all Veteran’s Point of View should have been totally free based on our Service.  Additionally My one Major Prescription for Medication through “Express Scripts” has increase from three or four dollars a prescription to a total of $13.00.  Certainly I can not view this as a decrease in my cost.  I know that Your Campaign Commercials say you will change this once elected, however my question to You is Why Wait.  As a viable Member of the Biden/Harris Team I would suggest that You are in the ideal position to correct this problem/concern experienced by Us Veterans Now while You are still working in the White House.


As it stands today I simply can not assist you in Your Campaign as You requested on the Post Card I have received where You wrote:


“I  would be so honored to have you on our people-powered campaign.  Together, we will defend the promise of America – our freedom, our opportunity, and our democracy.  Together, we can win and protect our future.  Thank You!”  signed Kamazla H.


Yes, Kamala, this is a Very Noble cause, Yet, I Alan as a Retired U. S. Navy Veteran simply can not afford any additional expenditure at this time.  Maybe after January 2025 I will be in a better financial situation.


With this in mind please know that during the last three years and at least seven months I have received well over $300.00 a month in Cost of Living increases.  Admittedly this sounds great, however I assure that every trip to the grocery store and the fueling station has consumed these increases.  In fact I am now enjoying Beef Steaks less often than a mere four years ago.  A sad situation indeed.


Yes I am aware that there are some Fellow Georgia Citizens that do not agree with my view and facts as were expressed during the Speeches at the Democrat National Convention the evening of August 21, 2024, but please be sure that I served My 21 years in the U. S. Navy so that they also have the right to free speech.


In closing, I also am focused on “HOPE” in the future and I look forward to Your Reply to this rather long letter.  My future vote this Fall depends on the answer/s I receive from the respective Candidates for the Office of “The President of the United States of America!”  I am indeed My Father’s Son.  Thank You!!


Please note that I am posting this letter prior to the Closing Speeches of the 2024 Democrat National Convention tonight, August 22, 2024.


Submitted with Warm Regards,




Alan F. E. Thiese

U. S. Navy Retired







Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Macon-Bibb Lottery

approved by

Macon - Bibb Commissioners

I recall that just a few years ago the Board of Commissoners approved a New Trash Pick Up Service for us, the Citizens of Macon - Bibb!  We now rely on the Ryland Environmental to remove our Trash here in West Macon-Bibb.  This it to happen on a Weekly basis on every Thursday.  Household Hold Trash Every week!  This is to take away the contents of the "Red Box" as I call them.  Others refer to them as the Curby Derby!

Then on an every other week time frame the  contents of the "Blue Box" is to be removed!

On the weeks when the "Blue Box" is not emptied the "Yard Trash" which is usually piled up near the curb is to be hauled away.  I usually use

the small container on "Yard Trash" day, however when the windy weather causes fairly large limbs to fall I also pile them up at the Curb.  Please know that the Small Container labeled "ACE" has been at the curb for over a week.  Just last week, the week of August 14 I thought this small container would be picked up.  A few weeks ago I recall that Ryland picked up the "Blue Boxes" and the Yard Trash on the same week in the Neighborhood so I am now confused.  Thus the title of this post:

Macon - Bibb Lottery

During prior weeks when the Trash Service has not been up to part I have relied on the County Commissioner who represents the area I live in to contact Ryland!  From My point of view this is redundancy at its finest.  No resident of Macon - Bibb should have to resort to their respective Commissioner to resolve any Trash Situation.

Therefore starting this week, the week of August 18 I am placing all of the Boxes along with the Yard Trash, either in Containers or piled at the curb.  It will be like playing the Lottery.  On Thursday evening I will have the opportunity to see which trash has been removed.  

Monday, August 05, 2024

 Number 33 To The Top Seven

Since December 2021 I have been sending letters with My Concerns.  This time I included our Current Vice President.  I write because I have HOPE.



Alan F. E. Thiese

                                                             5 August 2024


The President of the United States of America

The Vice President of the United States of America

The Senate Majority Leader

The House of Representatives Speaker

The Senior Senator for Georgia

The Junior Senator for Georgia

The Eighth District Representative for Georgia


Greetings Honorable and Duly Elected Officials,


This is letter Number 33.  Please note that starting with this letter I am including the Vice President of Our United States of America.


I fear that Many of Our Elected Leaders have lost some or possibly all connection with the People of the United States of America.  I know for a fact that several of You have Staff Personnel who are tasked with the purchase of the needed items that You consume!  That stated it makes it difficult for You to really tell us – “We The People” that You know what it is even like to understand what the price of groceries are.   Almost on a daily basis I view Presidential Commercials that tell me that things are better!!!  Better than What? I say. 


For example in 2023 My Two Wonderful Sons gifted Me with this Blackstone Griddle so that I can prepare wonderful meals for My Bride and Myself, as well as Our Guest when we have a Meal with Family and Friends.  It is shown here with the cover.


Please note that the Blackstone Griddle was their gift to me for Father’s Day 2023.  We have enjoyed many meals using this Griddle.


Father’s Day 2024 was quite different.  Both My Sons have advised me that the Challenges of supporting their own respective Families has caused them to re-evaluate the amount the funds that they could expend for My Gift in 2024.  Admittedly, I have also noted the increase in the amount of funds My Bride and I expend for Fuel to Go the Church, Visit Friends and conduct other necessary business in Our City.  Additionally, we both also know that the amount of money we spend here in 2024 for the basic necessities of life, food and support items such as toilet paper have increased dramatically. 


Because I personally know that living life here in 2024 cost more I appreciate that My Sons were even able to give me this very appropriate gift for Father’s Day 2024.  The message on the Cup indicates a “Biden Supporter” however I think that they will not now become a “Harris Supporter!”  For that I Thank My Creator. 


I am also aware that the cost of doing business has increased.  Our Own U. S. Postal Service has recently raised the cost of a “First Class Postage Stamp!!”  When will our Top Officials currently governing and those who seek Higher Office start being honest with us – “We The People!” who actually know what it cost to live on a daily basis.  For Your information very few of us have Staff Personal who do our shopping or even conduct our daily business.  Then to view Campaign Commercials on how great things are is rather sickening!


Prior to stepping down from seeking an additional term as President, Mr. President Biden actually told us that the “Border Patrol Union and/or Their Chairman Endorsed his seeking the second Term as President.  Yet within a few hours the “Border Patrol” people informed us that such was not, nor never the case.


The most critical aspect of the 2024 Presidential Campaign is the Attempted Assassination Attempt of Our Former President who is seeking a Second Term.  This happened on 13 July as you are all aware, however there is much speculation as to why this event even happened.  Did Our Own Secret Service fail the Candidate in Butler, PA. or was the whole situation a set up?  Admittedly it is more and more looking like it was a set up.  Everyone is telling us that they must get the investigation right and/or correct.  A great goal.  But even this Television Viewer can not comprehend why the structure with the dangerously sloping roof was not included in the area that needed to be within the rifle range of protection of the Candidate seeking the Office of President. 


If our Current Administration can weaponized the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to prevent the Challenger to the Democrat Candidate for the Office of President of the United States of America it may just be possible that inadequate Secret Service Protection on 13 July 2024 in Butler, PA was just another tool that may have been used!!  A terrible situation and a terrible thought, but one that I certainly think Many Citizens are currently mulling over in their respective minds.  I hate to think that such a concept was even considered, however the longer we wait, the more creditability of it being possible.  Or is the current Democrat President seeker hoping that the “News Cycle” will soon overlook the tragic event/s of 13 July 2024.  I would suggest that such is not the case.  I know that many news cycles ago our great United States of America lost thirteen Heroes in the tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan. I know that this event has not been lost in our History and I think that Many will Remember when the next elections are held.

Many Seeking Election this November 2024 are telling us All that HOPE for the future resides in their own election.  We simply must vote for them.  Interesting concept when I consider what some of these who are courting me for My Vote have had a few years to put appropriate policies/laws/governance in to practice to gain My Vote.  Some of You simply must realize that You Can Not now erase Your Past Statements and attempt to re-invent Yourself/Your Campaign so that “We The People” will overlook your past record and gain a Vote.  Too often Political Parties will tell us that the opposition is telling us “Lies,” as they promote their respective candidate.  My I remind each of you that if  “You Tell The Truth Concerning All Situations” you will never have to change your Position on Any Matter!!!

This quote “The Truth Will Set You Free” is from Holy Scripture, however I suggest to each of You that this concept will also apply to Our respective lives no matter what Our Religious Beliefs!!!

Please be sure and also confident that I, Alan have HOPE for the future and this is as I have states in previous correspondence is why I continue to send each of You these periodic letters which I have mailed to you since December 2021.

Prior to closing this letter My I encourage each of you that the Attack Against Israel in October 2023 by the Hamas killed the equivalent of 40,000 if they had attacked the USA.  Yet We All Hear that Some of You, Mr. President and You Madame Vice President are encouraging Israel to allow a two state situation in Israel/Gaza.  For Your information this War is an Old War.  Death to Israel has been the situation since Abraham’s two sons became citizens on this Our Planet many years ago.  Isaac’s and Ishmael’s have been involved in conflict for many years and yet we have Modern Day Leaders who are now attempting to resolve this issue and accepting the chant “Death To Israel!”  I would encourage our Duly Elected Leaders at All Levels to let Israel do what needs to be done and get out of the Way.  Then You each must also consider the fact that Israel has been our “The USA” Ally in the current situation.  I suggest that you do not now, or ever in the future betray our Ally, Israel.

Recently I have heard that The Democrat Candidate for President during the 2024 Election may just select a dedicated Jew as Her “Vice President” nomination.  I would hope that Mr. Shapiro, who spent five months in his Youth with the “Israel Defense Forces,” will soon realize that a “Two State” solution to the current situation will not be possible. 

In closing as I stated four paragraphs prior to this one, I, Alan have HOPE for the future and encourage each of you to simply do what is best for the future of “We The People” rather than your own personal agenda.




Alan F. E. Thiese

