Sunday, December 20, 2020
Friday, December 04, 2020
Blue Star Memorial
Highway Marker
Many of the readers of My Blog are aware that My Bride is the Garden Club of Georgia Blue Star Marker (BSM) and Gold Star Marker (GSM) Chairperson. Additionally she also serves as the Camellia District BSM and GSM Chairperson!
Recently she has been very involved in the relocation of the Blue Star Memorial Highway Marker at the Rest Area at the I-475 By-Pass here in Bibb County Georgia.
Thursday, December 03, 2020
An Interesting Reason
Why I Should Vote
a Specific Candidate!
Recently I observed a Georgia U. S. Senate Candidate's Commercial on why I should vote for a specific individual!
Our former President was suggesting that I should vote for a candidate simply because he would listen to the "Doctors" when it came to working to cure the current Covid-19 Pandemic. This particular candidate has a spouse who is a Doctor. What this former President did not tell us is that the Doctor in this situation is a GYN specialist. I have nothing but respect for this specialty, however I would suggest that consulting a Doctor who is a gynecologist for advice on Covid-19 treatment or prevention may not be all that appropriate. As I understand it, a gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in women's reproductive health.
I hope that I do not become a Covid-19 patient, but if that should happen I would seek the care from a Doctor who is well versed in treatment of a male. I would like to point out now that this is the type of body I have, although not as presentable as this Statue of David:
Wednesday, December 02, 2020
Cry, Cry, Cry and Cry
Some More!!
The other evening I was viewing the Evening News. The focus on the problems on distributing the Vaccine for the Covid-19 treatments/prevention caused the Anchor to express concern about how this would be accomplished in a timely and effective manner. Not a very positive message which caused me to develop the title for this post.
However, I quickly recalled on how our United States of America reacted after the Attack on Pearl Harbor which happened on 7 December 1941. Our Citizens and our Leaders at all levels worked together to Win World War II. We build ships, airplanes and tanks as well as trained our Soldiers, Marines, Coast Guard People and our Sailors to do their task using the basic concept of teamwork. I even recall how us Post Toddler Farm Kids were able to pick milkweed pods for the fibre so that life vests could be produced.
We even build Ocean worthy Ships to transport troops across the Seas to Europe, Africa and the Far East. I have heard that we launched as many as three ships a day. Some were consstructed on the East Coast and some on the West Coast.