Monday, June 05, 2006

Good Day. Several days ago I mailed in the Post a letter of concern to the members of the Bibb County School Board. I am concerned that these elected officials, representing the people do not use the most modern resources available to allow citizens to communicate with them about the one thing that probably impacts the most on the future of our Middle Georgia - Education. These elected officials do not allow citizens to E-Mail them with their concerns. If we are to improve education I would submit that these guardians of our Education System in Bibb County, Georgia would allow timely citizen response. See the letter I sent:

Hello, Bibb County, Georgia School Board Members and Fellow Citizens of Bibb County,

As you all gathered at the various Graduation activities at the Bibb County Schools this past week I am confident that you felt a great sense of pride in your accomplishments. This is as it should be. We have seen improvements in the infrastructure of our School System in the past few years.

On May 23 I addressed my concerns regarding the 2006-2007 Government Budgets with our County and City Leaders. We all know that the prices of energy will never return to what we enjoyed a mere two years ago. As you and the fellow members of our School Board labor with the 2006-2007 School System Budget during the next few weeks, I am confident that you will consider the impact of what it will cost to continue to do business to the standards of the past. I am also confident that you will seek to improve on the past School District reputation and strive to continue to improve our system of public education.

I, just like you am aware that the cost of doing business will only increase. Just recently I read in our local print media an article that very few contractors are bidding on proposed building/improvement projects that our System is seeking to accomplish. This is expected and should not come as a shock because no matter who we are, or what business we operate because the cost of doing anything will increase because of the increased cost of energy. I cannot comprehend any article that I obtain for my consumption that is not impacted by the higher cost of energy that we all must endure.

I am shocked that you, our educational leaders have not caused the Bibb County School System to develop a Web Site where we the citizens can communicate with you, our duly elected leaders as you labor to do the will of the citizens you so labor to represent. The May 23 event I discussed above was conducted by E-Mail to the various City and County Representatives who are our public servants; just as you have sworn to serve us all in the area of public education. These dedicated individuals are available via letter, telephone, public meetings and also via E-Mail. It is a public disgrace that you are unavailable to the public via one of the most cost efficient methods currently available to the citizens of Bibb County.

Just a few weeks ago, my Sister-In-Law in Iowa indicated to me that I should obtain a copy of the Book “The World is Flat” and read it. More than likely this book will be required reading for all public educators in Iowa as they take time off to enjoy the Summer months. Needless to say, I took her advice and obtained the Book from our local Public Library System here in Bibb County. I would urge you all to read this revealing book and consider the concepts contained therein. For our Nation to continue as a leader in the World we need to focus on the future and adopt some break through thinking on how we do business and also how we educate our next generations of citizens. After we discover what is currently causing our potential problems we will have to initiate some positive actions. Of course we can sit idly by and let the rest of the world overtake our leadership roles and then wonder why and/or what went wrong. I am confident that to a person, no one member of our Bibb County School Board desires to be a part of the destruction of America. Sure the Book I reference above contains some shocking information, but you and I know that we have all endured some great, yet tragic events in our lives. It is how we react and develop our plans for the future that will mark us as a caring and dedicated society that only desires to do what is best for the next generations and also for our United States of America.

For those who desire to cast this letter aside and not even read “The World is Flat,” please let my advise you that while you are all very busy with your lives, your jobs, your families and your duties as a member of our School Board you must simply find the time to read this book. You may also be aware that I am retired and have plenty of time to keep abreast of what needs to be done. You may also consider me to be a thorn in your side. Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am currently enjoying my lavish life style financed by your FICA payments and your yearly contributions to the Internal Revenue Service of the United States. What are you going to do to insure that our United States continues to remain ahead of the pack? After all, you, your children and even your grandchildren deserve something better than our current attitude of “Business as Usual.”

By reading the Book I have come to appreciate what our Nation has accomplished, and also the fact that I am now aware that our Earth must realize that globalization is here and a fact of life. We all need to be proactive and learn from each other. The attitude of our current school board as a whole regarding input from citizens using only archaic communications systems tells me a lot about the attitude of our Bibb County School System.

Should you doubt this, please read “The World is Flat,” for a viewpoint that indicates that everyone has the ability to make a positive contribution to the welfare of society!!!!!! No longer will management from the top down be the mantra for any successful organization. This applies to governmental bodies as well as business opportunities in the real working global world. This is a difficult lesson, but even Big Blue; a.k.a. IBM learned this one the hard way.

Again, please take the time to read the book, “The World is Flat.” It will help you has you also proceed through your private life. Additionally, your ability to function as a concerned School Board Member will also be enhanced.

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