Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Dark Day
Yes, a Dark Day Indeed. Almost from the beginning of the History of our Great Nation we have had problems with people.
Demon Rum and the companion beverages appear to have been the downfall of a lot of people.
Or, is excessive alcohol used as the excuse? Or even more important, is any excuse better than having to take personal responsibility for our own actions.
Admittedly, there is no excuse for accepting the results of anyone who engages in inappropriate behavior. Additionally, I do not consider it appropriate to accept without consequences anyone's incorrect behavior.
I do think that we must take the time to carefully reflect on why we have these sins against society!!! It can be stated that it is human nature. I suspect that we all know this fact. How can we avoid these problems? I do believe that if we realize that the self-centered, I only need to care for myself attitude must be removed from the thinking of all members of our civilization. We must all be more civil with our fellow peoplekind!!!
It may also help if we do not over indulge in Demon Rum or own individual choices to pleasure ourselves. Or for that matter, we males need to stay away from the likes of Fanne Foxe!!!

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