All of the above pictures were taken as I, the Flower Child, prepared to publish my End of the Year Blog Entries for 2008. This is the Number One Progress Story for the entire region of Central Georgia. You did not hear much about this project while it was being designed or the early states of construction completed. Certainly, this project did not raise the level of concern that the famed I-16/I-75 Intersection in the City of Macon has for the past ten some years.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
All of the above pictures were taken as I, the Flower Child, prepared to publish my End of the Year Blog Entries for 2008. This is the Number One Progress Story for the entire region of Central Georgia. You did not hear much about this project while it was being designed or the early states of construction completed. Certainly, this project did not raise the level of concern that the famed I-16/I-75 Intersection in the City of Macon has for the past ten some years.
In as much as these communication towers are in abundance here in Central Georgia and are located in various counties what regulations do the companies who erect and use them have to adhere to? What are the provisions of Georgia Law which require that they be removed from the landscape once they no longer serve any viable function? In fact I observed at least six of these marvelous towers on a twenty-five mile segment of Interstate 16 yesterday between Danville, Georgia and Dublin, Georgia.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
This area once hosted the first enclosed Shopping Mall in Georgia. Then it was reconstructed as a strip shopping area with Home Depot and WalMart as the main attractions. Both of these large grey box retailers have moved on to other sections/areas of Macon and/or Bibb County. The question is: Why????
I am confident that their are many theories as to why this happened. But that is not the problem that I would like to focus on as I post this Blog Entry. What has our Main Stream Media and our Local Governments done to expose this situation. I have the feeling that too many are simply throwing up their arms and saying that they are powerless. I may not be too intelligent, but I was always told that no one can solve a problem unless they first admit that there is a problem. I think we have a problem and we all need to admit it. Only then can the problem and/or problems be resolved.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Only time will tell if this project will achieve the intended purpose of capturing the Convention and Trade Show activity that the Convention and Visitors Bureau as well as the local Citizens expect to help Macon, Georgia Grow. Let us all hope so!!!
This image was acquired from across Coliseum Drive looking North and just East of the current Macon Centreplex
The Flower Child has fond memories of obtaining necessary Do It Yourself (DIY) supplies from a locally owned Hardware Store when he was much younger and his Children attended the nearby Rosa Taylor Elementary School.
This Photo taken on December 26, 2008 clearly shows that this once well regarded mecca of retail activity has been in decline in recent years. I do believe that a United States Post Office and a Child Support Recovery Unit still operate out of this once famed "Riverside Plaza Shopping Center."
Progress can be painful, but is this the type of progress we really need in any City, let alone, Macon, Georgia?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The economy around the World is suffering and merchants are suffering because of the lack of Holiday Spending. All of this and consider all the problems that each of may be experiencing it is probably difficult to event mutter the words "Merry Christmas" this year. I just heard that our unemployed workers has reached the same level as in the early 1980s.
Yes, I lived through the 1980s and do not recall any problem in obtaining work. I had just retired from the U. S. Navy and was happily employed at a local Nursing Home here in Middle Georgia. While I was the third highest paid at $5.00 per hour I managed to survive. I did mow lawns and do other yard work on the side so that my family could have those things necessary to sustain life.
Well, I have news for everyone here, Merry Christmas 2008. We have much to be thankful for and much to appreciate if we focus on the good that surrounds us. Times may be difficult, but let me remind you that most citizens on planet earth have a more difficult time than we here in the U. S. A. Additionally, I can quickly recall the events of the "Great Depression of the 1930s" as relayed to me by my parents.
My Dad's favorite story was about shredding corn in the fall. He worked for 50 cents a day and the meals that were served to the workers as they traveled from farm to farm on Clayton Ridge in Clayton County in Northeast Iowa. Not a bad deal, 50 cents a day and plenty of food, until you realized that he concluded the saga with this phrase, "I wore out a $1.00 pair of leather gloves each day."
So we think we have it difficult!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas
As we all gather with family and friends this Christmas let us all remember that "The Best Is Yet To Come." I am looking forward to the Christmas Eve Worship Service at the Church and the singing of the song "Silent Night, Holy Night."
I say again: "Merry Christmas." Have a "Blessed Christmas."
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008

Some view this new camo as a step forward. As a retiree I have fond memories of the old style "Work Uniform," and I will always remember how the trousers could be made into a "Life Preserver" should the need develop.
Time will tell if the New Navy Camo is a winner. Remember you saw it first on the Flower Child's Blog - The World This Week.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008