Number Eight in a Ten Part Series
Progress Report Number Three
No matter what developes or happens in the future during the current times of economic hardship there is a vested interest that every Citizen of Middle Georgia must consider. Macon is the Center of our Great State of Georgia. If we desire to see progress we all must be concerned. Some have been born here and enjoy what they grew up experiencing. Some have made a choice and decided to live here in Macon, some in Bibb County and even more in Middle Georgia. To this end we all have a vested, and yes even vital interest in what happens in the future.
How many years have Candidates sought public office on the bloated Macon City Council and have espoused the need for an adequate and yes, even appropriate pay scale for our Public Servants who serve us all. When I state Public Servants in the previous sentence I am referring to those who are pledged to "Serve and Protect" such as the Police and Fire Departments in the City of Macon. These dedicated public servants must be respected and appreciated. Additionally they need to be reimbursed with an adequate pay scale. Those on patrol in the Police Department and those awaiting a call to Fight a Fire in the Fire Department are the Public Servants who are ready in a second to give their lives for the safety and protection of us all. To underpay them is a great injustice that we all have witnessed for far too long.
In summary, rather than just talk about these items during Campaigns, those who win the elections must actually step up to the plate and "Lead By Example." We can ask for no less.
It is indeed a great shame that we do not appreciate "These Public Servants" while the duly elected City Council Members expend any good will toward themselves once they are elected on discussions regarding "Pensions for Themselves."
you do really good phtography. If you don't mind my asking, is photography a life-long passion or just a hobby of yours?
Since my retirement in 1999 I have become more involved in my hobby of photography.
I enjoy the activity and use it to record pictures for this Blog as well as taking images for the various competitions that I am involved in because of my membership in "The Middle Georgia Camera Club."
You can learn about this club at:
Thank You!!!
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