Friday, March 04, 2011

Help for the Haitians

On March 2nd I posted an entry here about a show and sale at Christ Church in downtown Macon which would feature the work of Noah Maier to raise funds for a Mission Trip to Haiti.

Of course, everyone knows that if I am going to promote an event, I will also participate in the event.  It was my pleasure to attend this Show and Sale this evening.  I had the opportunity to meet Noah and also acquire a copy of the image I am looking at in the above picture.  The Artist is a delightful young man who will be participating in the Mission Trip to Haiti in April of 2011. 

I am pleased to learn that this Mercer University Scholar is going to participate in this event along with other concerned citizens of Middle Georgia.  It is events and fund raisers such as that as these that cause me to realize that the fellowship of mankind is not always bad.  I am thankful that I participated in this event.  I am also grateful to learn that we do have Scholars that participate in worthy events to foster the betterment of humanity around our Earth.

Thank You Noah.  You are a Blessing to Humanity and a credit to yourself, your family, your community and your University.

Have a safe journey.

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