Confirmation Day
Alan Frederick Ernst Thiese
11 April 1954
Palm Sunday
You may be wondering what this is all about. I had planned to post this blog to celebrate the anniversary of this event. I had thought it happened in May. This morning I did my research and ascertained that I am over one month late.
When I was confirmed in my Faith as a young Lutheran I stated for myself what my Godparents had stated when I was baptized.
My Godparents were my Dad's Brother Ernst and my Mom's Dad, Frederick. Now you know the genesis of my middle names.
I will quote my Certificate of Confirmation:
"This is to certify
That Alan Frederick Ernst Thiese
born February 19, 1940
having been duly instructed in the
doctrines of the Christian Religion,
as confessed, taught, and believed by the
Ev. Luth. Church
and having formally professed faith in our
Lord Jesus Christ, and vowed obedience to
His Gospel, was received into full
Communion with Trinity Lutheran
Church, Guttenberg, Iowa
by the soleum rite of Confirmation
on the eleventh day of April
in the year of our Lord one Thousand
nine hundred and fifty four."
Signed: Wm A. Reitz, Pastor
My Confirmation Memory Verse was:
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.
John 3, 3
In addition to the above scripture verse my certificate also contains this:
O Great High Priest forget not me,
Though I have oft forgotten thee,
But give me strength for all the strife,
And all the toil and pain of life.
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