Saturday, September 26, 2020


Current Events

Recently we all have heard and seen how our Two Presidential Candidates are seeking Votes among the Hispanic Voters and the African- American Voters.

I saw this sign a few days ago and I captured a picture.  I am not a Political Consultant, however I am a proud American that certainly believes that we are all endowed by our Creator to enjoy a life of Freedom, Liberty and Happiness.

Additionally I know that the majority of Hispanic Voters are of the Roman Catholic Faith.  You and I know that members of this Faith do not support or participate in abortion.  So, do you seriously think that our Fellow Voters, the Hispanics will even vote for a Candidate who has openly supported Abortions.   Additionally this same candidate has a running mate who also supports Abortions as a right for Females.

Now, as the above political sign indicates many African-American Females are currently having abortions.  This is just so sad.  There are those among us that remind us that abortion/s are not prevented by Our God in Holy Scripture.  I would be quick to point out that this is not quite the situation.  We have a Commandant from God that simply states:  "Thou Shall Not Kill."  Admittedly, if you do not believe that life does not begin at Conception an abortion is O.K.  For those who believe life begins at Conception God's command prevents abortion.  Now, before you all get upset, I know that I am a Sinner.  We all are!!  Even one of our Former Presidents stated that even lusting after a Woman is a sin against God's Command:  "Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery."  A Sin is a Sin!  That fact we all acknowledge.  

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