Thursday, October 05, 2023

 Number 24

Alan F. E. Thiese

5 October 2023

The President of the United States of America

The Senate Majority Leader

The House of Representatives Speaker (Gender/Name to be determined)

The Senior Senator for Georgia

The Junior Senator for Georgia

The Eighth District Representative for Georgia


I last wrote you on 13 July 2023.  This is My 24th letter and I do not regret sending any of them.  What I do have a lot of sorrow about is the fact that You, our duly elected leaders have ignored the “Will of We the People” for your own personal aggrandizement!  This statement is more true for some of you and you know who you are!!  Unfortunately many of our elected individuals who serve us in Washington, D. C. have forgotten the basic tenet that “This is Our America” and that we elected you to do your job.  There are some of you that think and have even suggested that we need to amend our Constitution to fit your own selfish goals/needs.  I would suggest that many of you need to simply read this document.

As I was formulating this letter in My own mind I recalled the Mantra or some would call it a creed of the many young citizens who serve in our U. S. Military.

A Soldier knows this Creed which is summed up in this statement:  “Duty, Honor and Country!”

A Sailor knows this Creed which is summed up in this statement:  “Honor, Courage and Commitment!”

A Marine knows this Creed which is summed up in either of these two statements:  “Improvise, Adopt and Overcome” or “Always Faithful!”

An Airman knows this Creed which is summed up in this statement:  “Fly, Fight and Win” or “Guardian of Freedom and Justice!”

The Members of the Space Force know this Creed which is summed up in this statement:  “Character, Connection and Commitment!”

Coast Guard Coasties  know this Creed which is summed up on this statement:  “Always be at My station, alert and attending to My duties!”  Coasties also have this Motto: “Always Ready!” which allows them to protect “Our Fame, Our Glory too!”

You each may be asking yourself as you read this letter, “Why is this letter writer telling us their respective Creeds that these Young Citizens learn  in a few short weeks during a process titled “Basic Training” or “Boot Camp.”  These training periods can run from nine weeks to eleven weeks depending on the organization.  These young citizens are usually 18 to 22 years of age.  So Young to grasp these concepts, yet they volunteer to serve our United States of America because they love their Country.  

Now take the opportunity to reflect on why you ran for your respective office!  

Only you know the real reason/s!  I have the impression that some of you are power hungry and feel the need to meet your own selfish needs/desires at the expense of what is Good for the Citizens of America.  Why would many of you simply lie to us?  Some even have staff members who lie to us or the media which fails to investigate the lies and promulgate them as fact/s.  This is a real shame.  “We the People” deserve better!  Such is not the case of our Young Volunteers who serve in our Military!

Today, October 5th we see members of the United Auto Workers Union on strike because they fear for the future of their jobs.  They know that the Auto industry knows that it takes fewer workers to manufacture electric vehicles.  The members of the UAW also know that there is no current program in place to dispose of the worn our batteries.  Who of you can tell me today “What is the impact of disposing of all of these batteries when they are replaced?”

Electric vehicles may very well be the future, but we really need to know what plans, policies and procedures will be in place to insure a safe environment for future generations of us?

Health Care workers are on strike by the thousands.  They really need a pay structure that allows them to earn a decent living.  I understand that what they are asking for is to have a wage level that is decent and not just a few dollars per hour more than an entry level “burger flipper” at a fast food establishment. 

I will not elaborate on our “Border Crisis” or the “Fentanyl Poisoning” that is impacting the daily lives of each of us.  You all know about these situations even though you may now not desire to admit your failure as regards meeting the “Safety and Security” needs of the Citizens of the United States of America!

I am also confident that each of you know that the Suicide rates for our Nation’s Veterans as well as our Active Duty Military are increasing each year.  This is simply not to be tolerated!  Yes expending funds for the treatment of the Mental Illness which causes many of these deaths may be appropriate, however you each must realize that the policies and procedures currently in use by our Military are not appropriate in many cases to insure the “High Morale” necessary to keep our Troops alive and proud of their Service.

In closing, please re-read the Creeds that I have listed above of the Branches of our U. S. Military.  These Young Citizens Volunteered to serve us all and as they graduate from their respective Basic Training or Boot Camp they are proud of their accomplishment/s!  

So ask Your Self Today, and every day as you retire for your daily rest:

“Am I _______________ proud of what I have accomplished for the Citizens of the United States of America?

Warm regards,

Alan F. E. Thiese

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