Thursday, September 13, 2007

I Found It!!!!!!

For about two years now the leadership of Monroe and Bibb County in Middle Georgia have been having discussions and even meetings about the property lines between Monroe and Bibb County quite near where the Bass ProShop Warehouse and Retail Store now is located. From what the Flower Child has been able to discern, the situation has caused heated discussions because with more new development some County will receive a windfall of Sales Tax Income from the new retail establishments which are sure to follow.

From what I have read in the local print media, the problem is focused on the fact that no one knows for sure where the property line is. This sounds rather amusing. I am confident that some County has been receiving property tax payments for the land in question.

The resolution to the problem seems rather simple to me. Who has been receiving the property tax payments in the past? Once that information is acquired it would appear that everyone should now be content. Not So!!!!!

Today the Flower Child launched an inquiry to ascertain just what may be the solution to the problem. First I traveled up Riverside Drive past the new development in North Bibb County. I then turned left on "New Forsyth" Road. Please be aware that I think this is also the road that my then young sons often traveled on sordid week-end adventures many years ago to acquired information on who may have had the fastest car. I seem to recall that this road was also known as Spur 19. But, then the Flower Child may be incorrect. I traveled in a North direction and observed the Bass ProShop on my left. I kept looking for County designation signs. I finally reached Pate Road. I turned around and returned to Bass Road, still looking for the County designation signs. None in sight. I then traveled North toward Atlanta, Georgia on I-75. Many hundred yards North of the Bass ProShop Warehouse and Retail Store I observed the sign which is contained in this Blog. I do believe that I found it!!!! After all, would the Federal Government place a County Designation Sign at an incorrect location?

If this information does not resolve the conflict, may I offer this suggestion: The Flower Child obtained his current home in 1992. Before I signed the appropriate documents at closing I had the Closing Lawyer provide me a plat of the property surrounding my pending home. I still have the pins visible and surely some reliable survey firm could start at this reference point and work to the North edge of Bibb County. Why with Laser Beam technology, I am confident that the County Line could be found. The federal government has never lost it, but it appears to be local Middle Georgia problem. I would urge all involved to reach a quick resolution to this problem. I hope my research and suggestion helps.

Have a Great Day!!!

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