"Troubled Times"
The Flower Child is Happy
I have just learned that the prominent "Jones Family" just buried their last family member. For years everyone attempted to live like the "Jones Family." It is my understanding that the family members were buried at the expense of the local County Government in paupers graves. It is unfortunate that this has happened, but I think that the situation was a sign of the times.
Everyone needed more and needed the most up-to-date decor in their homes as well as all the latest gadgets in their personal transportation.
All of this to say that I do not employ the most modern chemicals to destroy the growth of unwanted plants in my Gardens. As I posted a few days ago, I expect to acquire a New Weed Eater to cut off the unwanted plants without the use of Chemicals; which from my point of view are harmful to our ground water.
Yes, the Jones Family has passed away and we all can learn a lot about how to conduct our future lives. I am certainly happy enjoying the plants which adorn the Gardens where I live. I certainly do not need to have the latest decor in my abode to enjoy life. The Beauty of Nature that surrounds me is delightful to behold and the scene changes every day if I but take the time to walk around a bit to enjoy it.
"The Flower Child is Happy"