Upward Mobility
Lawmakers versus "The Common Man"
In my post on this site of October 10, 2009 I discussed how my former job allowed me to experience "upward mobility." Most readers here will recognize that I did labor for an organization that had a Union right here in Macon, Georgia. Yes, I must admit that this employment opportunity and the efforts of the Union allowed me to experience "Upward Mobility."
By now you may be asking why this detail when all of my friends and neighbors already know that "The Flower Child" usually has an interesting arrangement of plants and flowers at his home.
Recently I learned in the print media that the employees of the Macon Police Department are seriously considering the establishment of a Union. I would suspect that in addition to the hazards they daily face in their employment "read service to the citizens" that they would like to at least receive a decent wage and adequate health care as well as a viable retirement program. In my short time in the Macon area I recall that these concerns have been an ongoing problem. I suspect that the Macon Law Makers are overlooking the simple fact that at this time the Macon Police Department (MPD) is providing excellent training for their officers and reaps the reward of this fine training but for a few years. Then, these young recruits obtain/acquire families and realize that they can do much better in several local Law Enforcement Agencies. Thus they leave the Macon Police Department. Yet the Macon Lawmakers who are often struggling with inadequate funds throw out the baby with the bathwater. They invest great sums in training fine Law Men and Women for other agencies. I would humbly suggest that they have had adquate opportunity to resolve these issues so it is certainly appropriate that Macon's protectors desire to establish a Union.
Yet I am aware that the Macon lawmakers appear to decry this move. Have these same Lawmakers no soul? Have they no heart for their fellow peoplekind?
I appreciate my upward mobility and I feel that it is a shame that the Macon Lawmakers refuse to accept the fact that they are indeed a party to the problem. If the Macon Lawmakers had been proactive years ago they would not have to fall back on reactive tactics now. To simply jump up and down that the Union for the Police Department is totally not needed is overlooking the fact that these servants sworn to "Serve and Protect" deserve much more than they currently receive as employees of the City of Macon.
Yet the noble Legal Profession proceeds onward. We all know that a fair number of Macon's Lawmakers are members of the Legal Profession. I have heard one proclaim that "He" is a recovering Lawyer.
Just as our Nation's leaders who led the famous "Boston Tea Party," when they tired of taxes levied without representation and went on to establish the United States of America the Members of the Macon Police Department have tired of the "Business as Usual" from the members of Macon's City Council.
Yes, I was a member of a Union when I worked for Brown and Williamson here in Macon, Georgia; but I also have a memory of our Union President informing us in an election cycle in the late 1990s that we should vote Republican because it was the Congressman of the other party that were leading the now famous "Tobacco Wars."
Based on what I have observed in my life on this earth I certainly feel that in the case of some Lawmakers their sole purpose is to keep their elected jobs without valid concern for the citizens that they should serve and that includes those who are sworn to serve and protect the citizens.
Sometimes Lawmakers must to what is right versus what is required to keep their jobs or keep the campaign contributions flowing to them so that they can continue to "serve." So the question becomes, "Who are our Lawmakers serving?"
Maybe we the voters need to evaluate that critical question prior to the next election cycle. Not only the citizens of Macon, Georgia, but citizens of every City, County, State and our own United States of America.
"We The People" certainly deserve much better than what we are currently receiving in a vast number of situations.
I consider myself a citizen who respects the well established "Rule of Law" concept which has allowed our United States of America to prosper.
You may desire to read a "Cato" report that evaluates a situation that we are all aware of and how "Trial Lawyers" have a much larger grip on our Governments than what we deserve.
I would humbly suggest that our Lawmakers who are often Lawyers rely on their passion to serve "We The People" versus their desire to simply achieve re-election. "The Common Man" and to be correct "The Common Woman" desire to have upward mobility. The option to achieve upward mobility has been the cornerstone of success in acquiring the American Dream. I cannot understand how any elected official would want to take that away from any Man or Woman.
1 comment:
Flower Child, I recall that a Councilperson named Stebin Horne wanted a pay scale for the Macon Police Department.
What ever happened to the proposal and for that matter, what has happened to Stebin?
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