Monday, August 23, 2021


What is the Difference?

Many years ago we had God deliver the Ten Commandments to the Children of Israel by God's Appointed Leader, Moses:

In Exodus Chapter 20 verse 13 we know that the Fifth Commandment was "Thou Shall Not Kill!"

In 1973 the U. S. Supreme Court of the United States declare that it was legal in our U. S. A. for a Women to abort a baby if she was less than three months pregnant. 

In 2021 we know that so far this year as of 3 August there have been forty homicides in Macon-Bibb!!!

The question I ask today and submit for your consideration is:

"What is the difference between an abortion and a homicide?"

In either situation the victim is dead!!  

To Me this seems contrary to "God's Law!!"


Monday, August 02, 2021

Georgia General Assembly

Joint Reapportionment


Redistricting Hearings


On 29 July 2021 I attended the meeting held at the Mercer University School of Medicine Auditorium.  The meeting commenced at 5:00 P.M. as advertised and concluded at 7:07 P.M.

The Hearing was chaired by Senator John F. Kennedy and Representative Bonnie Rich.  Based on the number of citizens who signed up to address the Hearing it was announced that each would be allowed 5 minutes to speak.  The Dean of the Mercer Medical School welcomed all the attendees.  The opening prayer was conducted by Representative Robert Dickey which was followed by a short video to let us all learn about what this hearing was about.

It was announced that the official U. S. Census information should be available in late August or September of 2021.  Based on preliminary data it is anticipated that each  new U. S. Representative District will have 765,136 citizens which is an increase of 73,161 compared to the results of the 2012 Census.  Each Georgia Senate District will have 191,284 citizens which is an increase of 18,290.  Each Georgia Representative District will have 59,511 citizens which is an increase of 5,691.  The task of the Joint Commission is to redraw the lines to achieve the same number of citizens in each new district.

This is what the Hearing room looked like.  This photo is from the local media coverage:

When the Hearing commenced there were 10 in the front row and five in the back row of the Officials in attendance.

It was stressed that Reapportionment was for the Federal Representative Districts, while the Redistricting was for State Senate and Representative Districts.  All proposed maps must comply with the "Voting Rights Laws" which have been enacted at the Federal Level.

I took brief notes of what each speaker presented:
  • Tombs/Montgomery County.  Keep these two counties in the same district.  The famous Georgia Onions are grown in these two counties so it would be prudent to keep them together in as much as the purpose of these two are mutual.
  • Montgomery County.  Keep Tombs and Montgomery together.
  • Macon-Bibb.  Currently five representatives.  Too many.  As a consolidated government we are now working together to achieve success.  Reduce the number borders and the number of Representatives by eliminating citizens of other counties.
  • When doing the redistricting be transparent in your meetings and be open to all concerned.  Stressed non-discrimination.
  • North Macon needs to be in Macon-Bibb versus being in the same District as Monroe County.
  • ACLU of Georgia.  Keep districts intact for the voters who have the same concerns.   All voters need to be represented correctly.  In Macon-Bibb the numbers of Minorities have increased while the number of white decreased by 5 percent.  Be transparent in your process.  Remember "We the People."
  •  Macon-Bibb.  Keep like minded communities together!!!  Do not disenfranchise voters.  Be Transparent.
  • Tombs County.  Keep whole.  Thanks!
  • Tift County and the City of Tifton.  Keep in one District!!  Do not gerrymander!!  "Do what is best for all Georgia Citizens!  Think about the power of Independents.
  • Spoke against Gerrymandering.  "Consider the impact on the education of our Kids!"
  • Bonaire - Houston County.  As it currently stands Bonaire is now a part of a very rural district.  Put Bonaire in with the rest of Houston County.
  • A Student from Providence Academy.  Spoke very eloquently against gerrymandering which undermines our democracy.  It discourages potential voters!  Legislators do not respect ll their citizens!!!
  • The next speaker reaffirmed the previous speaker!!
  • Macon-Bibb - Cease Districts to simply re-elect incumbents!  Be transparent/non-partisan to reflect the community.  We deserve better!
  • This speaker complained about the lack of these Hearing Notices to the citizens.  Eliminate racial gerrymandering.  
  • Consider the home locations of residents who are incarcerated in our Prison System versus where the prison is located.  The current system is a  disadvantage for our Black and Brown Citizens.  The 2020 census undercounted in Minority Communities.
  • Take all comments from citizens all around the State.  Kick-out politics.
  • A citizen who has lived in many districts.  Thank You!  Georgia is the best place to do business. Stop racial gerrymandering!!  Cited several U. S. Court rulings!
  • A resident of Jones County who is also on the State Board of Education.  Currently Jones County is split up.  Do not divide up communities.  Move forward.  Georgia is more than just Atlanta!!
  • Be transparent in redistricting!
  • Democracy - All must be allowed to have a voice.  Maps drawn by Legislators is self-serving!  Need an independent commission for redistricting.   Georgia can do better.  Do the right thing.  Always time to do this.
  • Thanked Mercer for hosting this event.  "Protect the Vote" citizen.  Hopefully these hearings are not just for show!!  Represent all diverse communities in Georgia.  Put "People First!
  • Houston County.  Many citizens do not know who represents them.  Post your ules fro this process so all can be aware!!
  • Bibb County - Challenging to know what the speaker was talking about!
  • The Dean of the Mercer Law School  Thanks for taking on a Complex task.  Please remember the Legislative Over Reach Law Suite from the 2001 era.  Be good students of History.  No Legislative  Over reach..  Macon-Bibb is consolidated.  Keep intact as much as possible.  This area deserves special attention.  The Dean also offered her students in Election Law to assist in this endeavor.
  • Southern Poverty Law Center.  All of the public must be engaged.  Currently the information is only available in English.  Need engagement by Non-English speaking citizens.  Hearing access locations must be near public transport.
  • Gerrymandering.  A 30 year Air Force Veteran.  do the right thing.  Consider the future.  Remember John Lewis - A beacon of Hope.  Thank You!
  • Houston County Citizen.  Be transparent.  Fair and equal representation.  No gerrymandering.  Keep all communities in Mind!!!
A total of 29 speakers addressed the Hearing.  Each speaker's comments are summarized by me and each bullet represents a speaker.  I learned a lot at this Hearing and I am glad I attended.