Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bibb County Growth
The March 22 issue of our local Newspaper, "The Telegraph" reported that Bibb County has only grown by 1% in the last six years. This is not shocking news, but it is news that should be causing our duly elected leaders in the City and the County to take a look at what is going on. Everyone in Middle Georgia is aware that most of the counties surrounding Bibb are growing and everyone has an opinion as to why. My comments today will present my ideas as well as consider and also present the ideas of others.
One of the most informative editorial pieces I have viewed recently was a "Talk Back" segment done by Catherine Meeks on WMAZ-TV. She expressed a very valid concern about the lack of "Servant Leadership" here in Middle Georgia. She reminded us that as we prepare to vote in upcoming elections that we should seek out those candidate who will work to solve problems for the whole of our local area. True Servant Leadership (or words to that effect) was what she asked for.
Now you and I know that the past is the past. We must simply get on with improving the situation we are faced with. Does that mean we should continue doing the same stupid things that have failed in the past and expect new, exciting, and also different results? You and I know the answer to this question.
Now for some of Flower Child's observations after I inform you that I chose to live here when I retired from the U. S. Navy in 1981. I have observed our Middle Georgia area as a displaced Yankee, so now before you quickly inform me to return to the good life back up North; please be aware that other parts of our great Nation also face challenges. It just must be remembered that how a local society resolves the problems they face is what is important and vital to our future.
  • I often get the impression that we here in Bibb County are still engaged in the Civil War of the 1860s. Of course our own Georgia Lawmakers appear to be leading the way in this effort during the current session
  • Far too many here in Bibb County seem to rely on family connections and the alledged good-old-boy network to conduct day to day business. This can certainly curtail any new ideas ever being implemented. I often hear of progressive communities who are growing because they allow themselves to think out side of the box.
  • I have been a member of several local civic and hobby related organizations where the consistent mantra was "We have never done it that way before." Note that I stated "I have been a member." Who needs to be involved in any organization that does not want to grow.
  • Admittedly, we in Bibb County enjoy a plethora of activites that are great quality of life activities; yet we downplay our wonderful resources. We down play our wonderful resources when we do not reflute the idle gossip of those who have not participated or are not involved in the plethora of cultural and/or fun activities that abound in our area.
  • As a society, we in Bibb County, do not respect our Neighbors. Only when we respect all of society will we ever prosper. Yes, we all participate in charity to others, but the fact remains that it is often done from the attitude of the Have People providing for the Have Nots. There is no respect for others when this type of charity continues.
  • Far too many feel that if you want to have fun or enjoy cultural activities you have to travel away from Bibb County. Yet I have to say that I seldom see these mal-contents attend the cultural events in Macon. A few examples would be our successful yet local Symphony or the Youth Acting Company (YAC). Speaking of the YAC, I must state here and now that their recent production of "Charlotte's Web" was awesome!!
  • Now, going back to Servant Leadership, the role model that I consider most appropriate would be the late "Emory Green" who was the Chairman of the Bibb County Commission. He was known for solving problems in a most effective way while not seeking the glory and honor that far too many of our current elected officials now aspire to.

As we all know, citizens are now voting with their pocket books. They are moving out and on. What a shame!!!! Yes, there is an elephant in the room. Yes, we need to talk about this elephant, but even more vital, we must actively participate in rebuilding the elephant or even getting the elephant out of the room. Actions speak louder than Words!!!!

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