Saturday, December 02, 2006

Pass Along Plants

Over the years many have shared their plants and flowers with "Flower Child." Today I share some images from these plants as they also help me recall with fond memories the individuals who gave us the plants. The Christmas Cactus was given to us over fifteen years ago. The other flower with an unknown name other than "Swamp Plant" was given to us two years ago.
Both are delightful and are currently blooming in our home. While this Blog is entitled "Pass Along Plant," and the images are included for you to also enjoy, I have a much more serious purpose today.
As we prepare to Celebrate Christmas and all that Christmas means I would like to invite you to Worship at the same Church I attend. You can view the full Chrismon Tree which I discussed yesterday by visiting this web site:

You can also visit the Calendar page to ascertain the schedule of our Worship Services. You are invited. Have a Blessed Christmas Season.
Thank You!!!!

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