Saturday, January 19, 2008

Medicine and Victim
As we travel through life and even watch a bit of evening prime-time television most of us are subject to the plethora of commercials which key in our health or well being. "Ask Your Doctor About" and the list is endless. Are my heart, my blood vessels, or my sex organs functioning propertly appear to be of the most concern of the prescription drug companies. Surely these commercials cost money. Yet we as a society decry the high cost of medicine and medical care. Of course to be fair, pick up any magazine at the newstand and you are again bombarded with ads for prescription drugs which will prevent heart failure, lower colestrol, or increase your sexual prowlness.
I, the Flower Child know that I am old fashioned. I always thought, and still do for that matter, that if I have a problem I should consult a Doctor and they will determine what I need, if anything.
Of course, this Blog entry would not be fair to just single out the Medical Profession. Have you, like I noted the plethora of Lawyer Commercials on television. Have you been prescribed medication ________________ or have you taken the ____________________ Over the Countery Drug" Have you experienced major medical problems because of this medication? If you or a deceased loved one has had a problem please call the Law Offices of ______________________________ today. Our toll-free number is 1-800-555-1212.
I realise that everyone has to achieve an acceptable standard of living. But these major advertising campaigns certainly cost money. What is wrong with the old "Gold Standard" of word of mouth advertising from friend to friend, or family member to another family member? What is wrong with relying on your Medical Professional to determine what medications you may or even may not need to resolve a health related issue?
Today the Flower Child would suggest that if the "professionals" relied on their own good work and the drug companies relied on trained Medical Professionals to determine what we as a Society should be medicated with that the cost of Medicine and the cost of Lawyer's services just may be reduced.
You will note that the title of this Blog included the word "Victim" which is what we all can become if we let the commercials we all are exposed to run our lives or control our actions. I for one feel confident in the abilities of my Trained Medical Professional to prescribe what I may need. I certainly do not need a TV or Print Commercial to tell me what I need. As regards needing the services of a Lawyer, I will choose one who comes to me via a personal recommendation from some who has been served by that Lawyer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I agree with your sentiments whole-heartedly. Speaking of the "gold standard" of word of mouth advertising, are there any referrals you'd like to pass along to your humble Thrivent Financial for Lutherans representative?

Dave Hansen