Monday, August 28, 2017

Herman West, Jr.
Second District Congress Person
Georgia Second District

On 27 July 2017 Herman West Jr. spoke to the Bibb County Republicans during a monthly meeting.

He indicated that he intends to run for the House of Representatives District Two seat currently held by Sanford Bishop.  His purpose in attending the meeting was to converse with the Voters of Bibb County.  He informed us that the 2018 Elections will be our defining moment.  He informed us that the Second District of Georgia is currently one of the poorest and he intends to work very hard to change that.  We in the Second District can no longer allow our representative to seduce the poor without results.  Far too many in the Second District depend on our Government to support them.  This has to change.

Candidate West is a Georgia native raised in Southwest Georgia.  He is will seek economic improvement for this District.  Far too many citizens in this District are unemployed.  Since 2010 two Hospitals in this District have closed.  Education in District Two must improve and when elected he will support the Family Farm.

Candidate West then discussed six areas that need Leadership:
  1. We need to climb the ladder of prosperity
  2. We need strong leadership
  3. We need action, not just words
  4. We must work together
  5. We must emphasize Conservative Christian Values
  6. Politics is Local
Candidate West has a five point plan:
  1. We must be united
  2. He asked that we stand with him
  3. Make the Second District Great
  4. Education must be the number one priority
  5. We must seize the moment to establish a viable Health Care System
In conclusion we were reminded that "We All Must Be Engaged" and that "Together We Can Do It."

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