Thursday, April 03, 2008

What Should The Flower Child Do????
Here we are, just seven months away from the Presidential Election in the United State of America. How am I going to Vote? There are many considerations that must be evaluated before anyone can take this responsibility and also vote effectively. What have we heard from the three Campaigns? Today, as I read the news and also watch the news I am confused!!! What are these three Senators running for President going to do once elected? More importantly, I feel, is what have they done in their current position as a Senator representing the peoples who elected them. Additionally what have they done for the good of all humankind here in the United States. I have fond memories of this lesson from my fifth grade civics class. The U. S. Congress has house members who represent the peoples of their respective District. The U. S. Senate has two members from each State in the Union. It is the Senator's major responsibility consider the impact of their actions on all the humankind that live in the United States of America. Senators were to have the "good of all Peoples" on their minds when they enacted laws, etc. So I ask the question again: What has each of these Senators accomplished that is for the benefit of all Humankind living in the United States of America? I can think of a few areas where our Senators need to act now. They do not have to wait until they become the President of the United States of America.
As I, the Flower Child observe our Society here in the United States there are a few items that need to be resolved now, not later. What are our esteemed lawmakers going to do during the Balance of the Current Congress. My list, which I will also use to evaluate each Candidate includes the following:
  • Where do we stand on a "Airline Passenger's Bill of Rights" that will cover the operation of all Domestic Airlines operating in the U. S. A. What provisions do we have to also insure that U. S. Citizens are able to be fed and cared for while in an International Airliner, which may not be able to take off in a timely manner from a U. S. Airport?
  • What has our U. S. Congress, both the House and Senate accomplished to show the World that we are working to resolve our dependence on Foreign Oil? Do not even tell me about using "Ethanol" because we can not grow enough grain to make a dent on our energy needs. The current "Ethanol" craze is just that. Our Food prices are skyrocketing, etc.
  • What about the "Identification Theft Crisis" that has such a horrible impact on the lives of far too many U. S. Citizens?
  • While our U. S. Senators have formulated a policy regarding the gathering of intelligence to protect all U. S. Citizens from terrorism, our U. S. House of Representatives has filed to even act in a timely manner. Yet, In the Nightly Film Clips of the Three Campaigns, there is no mention of how our U. S. Representatives are failing us all. After all, each of the Three Campaigners is seeking the Office of President. One of them, when elected, will have to function on the behalf of all of us to protect each of us, yet they remain mute on this critical and vital subject.

Each of the above mentioned concerns has a direct impact on the lives and the welfare of each and every U. S. Citizen, yet we are now having individual states taking up the mantra of leadership simply because the good folks in "Washington, D.C." do not want to make an issue of these vital concerns because it is an election year. I say, come out of the closet, each of you, running for the Office of President of the United States. Come January 2009, one of you will most likely be sworn in to protect and defend the "Constitution of the United States of America." I would submit that today is an excellent time for you to voice your concerns about problem resolution. In fact yesterday, was too late for any of you to introduce any meaningful legistation to at least attempt to resolve the issues I identified above. As a U. S. Senator, each of these presidential hopefulls has a task to accomplish. First and foremost, they should be displaying their leadership skills so we "The People" can make an informed choice. Campaign soundbites are not enough. "We, The People," do indeed deserve better. I know that Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama are too busy trying to become President to answer this Blog or even post a comment here; but you can be sure that I will send the contents of this Blog to their respective Campaigns. Additionally, they will also receive it at their U. S. Senate Website.

Now, before you even think that I forgot to discuss the "Home Mortgage Crisis," please be aware that I consider this problem one that was enabled by the Home Loan Industry to write loans that were not adequately vetted by the respective brokers. Of course there is also plenty of blame for those who may not have accurately stated their incomes, etc, when they applied for their respective loans. Plenty of Blame to Go Around to everyone involved. A sad situation to be sure. And, Yes, I am aware that our current President has also stated that at no time in our Nation's History, have so many citizens owned their own home. Yes, I have a home loan, but I do not feel that my peers, my fellow Americans should be forced to make my payments. Enough stated about that problem. The Home Mortgage Industry can best resolve this short term crisis. I am confident that it will be short term, unless the Federal Government takes it on and it becomes a lingering crisis.

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