Saturday, June 10, 2006

The illustration is courtesy of dancollinscartoons Web Site. Thank You!!

Good Day,
By now you may have noted that I usually try to have a picture in at least half of my post. Today it is my desire to share some of my views concerning the responsiblities of being a Citizen in the United States of America. We have all learned from our early elementary school days that thousands have given their lives for this right in our Country. Even more have served this great Nation to preserve that right. So why am I posting this Blog?
Every campaign I have witnessed in my adult years always caters to the Senior Citizens. The fact of the matter is that most candidates who even desire to win their race say and do the things that appeal to the elderly, or as some have put it: "The AARP Crowd." Unfortunately this concept ignores the fact that there are plenty of peoples in this great country who are not having their needs met.
This has come about because it is a known fact that Senior Citizens Vote. Senior Citizens have clout. The next time you view a TV campaign commercial quietly observe who the candidate is appealing to. If the Governor and I can have low drug bills, I will when elected provide all over the age of 55 the same benefits. Or the one that causes me to laugh the loudest is: Elect me to the Office of Lieutenant Governor and I will lower the cost of fuel. Admittedly the above are not the exact quotes from the commercials, but the message delivered. Both of these commercials will have broad appeal to the Senior Citizens.
Then there is the candidate that tells us that if we vote correctly there will be No increase in your property taxes as long as you own the home. Of course we know who this will appeal to the most.
Then, I cannot finish this post without discussing the topic that on the Federal level is taking far too long in the halls of government. Same Sex Marriages and the companion topic, Religion in Education. Admittedly, I was most likely raised wrong, but my Parents insured that I was educated in the Religion they observed. As an adult I have grown to practice and respect that Religion. I cannot even begin to comprehend teaching religion in Schools, or even the course recently authorized in Georgia, "The Bible." This will do nothing but open the door for each and every religion to seek to have their "Bible," or spiritual manuscripts integrated into Public Education. As regards "Same Sex Marriages" there is simply no way that our great Nation, or any other Nation for that matter; can adopt laws and regulations to regulate morality.
In this regard, I recall reading a Readers Digest article some years ago that in a certain State of the United States of America it was against the law for a female to appear in a public place without the proper foundation garmets. I believe the article required was called a Corset.
I do not know if the Corset law is still on the books, but I suspect that very female readers of this Blog are wearing a Corset.
So, what is the solution that I am proposing to remedy this situation. How can we get candidates to respect the needs of all the citizens of this great City, County, State or Nation that we all reside in?
Simple, Vote. If you are not registered to vote and are of the proper age, contact your local voter registration office today. In Georgia the deadline for registration for the current primary cycle is June 19, 2006.
Before our candidates will consider the needs of our society as a broad spectrum of citizens, the citizens will have to display an avid interest in the process. We as a society have left our candidates cater to a small segment of the population, simply because they vote.
Thus, before we can expect the U. S. A. to improve we all need to be involved in the process. Soon we will all observe "Independence Day" in our great Nation. We all have a lot to be proud of. But I challenge each of you to Vote.
Before you go off the deep end and tell your self that if you register to vote you will be a potential juror; ask yourself this question. Suppose I am wrongfully accused of a crime, would I desire a Jury of my peers, or would I want a group of old conservatives to determine my fate!!!!
Certainly something to Think About!!!!

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