Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Where Are The Adults?

A very timely question, indeed? Where are They? Maybe they are busy looking for or seeking more entitlements to allow themselves to continue on with their lives. Have we forgotten what made America great?
I believe that if you observe today's image very closely, that you will see an intergenerational group of citizens taking a break from some ardous labor. They not appear to be seeking assistance in some governmental office.
I will even state that the citizens in this image appear to be the bedrock of what made our United States of America a great nation. Regretfully, today, we have far too many citizens who have been conditioned. No matter what mistakes you have made in your life, someone, and most assuredly the government will take care of you and allow you to continue in your lifestyle. After all we would certainly not want to tell you what you have done incorrectly, or what you need to do to have an enjoyable life. Our current politicians want votes. The quickest way to insure that constituents vote for any politican is to give "we the people" what we think we need. I have often heard the overused comment, "I Feel Your Pain," as candidates seek election or even re-election.
Return with me, if you will, back to the image that headlines this post. Where do politicans, once elected obtain the funds to continue to buy their votes?
If I have to answer that question for you, then you are indeed part of the problem we have in the land of the Free and the home of the Brave; also known as the United States of America.
As anyone who observes our modern society today, we are fast becoming a nation of entitlement seekers. Tell me, if you can, how can we continue down this path when our population continues to age and we do not have enough young citizens stepping up to become productive workers. In my daily conduct in my retired life I observe far too many young citizens who also feel that they are entitled to have most anything they desire. Far too many young citizens are living out the entitlement syndrome in their lives because of mistakes and/or misfortune in their lives.
Enters now the vote procurement segment of our Society. Vote for me and I will insure that you do not have to suffer. I Feel Your Pain!!!!

From young Sam Collier, an apprentice to John Smith in the early 1600s, to the citizens you observed above, there are those who continue to work to keep the United States of America a great Nation.

So, to answer the question: "The Adults Are Here, We Just Do Not Hear About Them. They are engaged in doing what needs to be done. For these Workers and Doers, I will always be filled with gratitude. Thank You!!!

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