Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A quick review of word meaning indicates that "decadence" is a decline in force or quality; a period of decline, as in morals, art, etc. - decay, deterioration.
As I consider this word I also think of the "G" word - greed which means excessive desire for acquiring or having. Also a desire for more than one needs.
"Self-Centered" is the next phrase that comes to my mind. My own idea of what this means is "focused on own needs." A check of the dictionary indicates that "self-centered" means "concerned only with one's own affairs, selfish."
Which brings me to the current situation that we are involved in. But first of all a brief review of our History.
We all have heard of the following while we studied History:
  • Egypt's Golden Empire
  • Roman Empire
  • Byzantine Empire
  • British Empire

Each of these governments enjoyed about 200 years of wonderful power and control before they commenced their decline. In summary, they became decadant. Their citizens became greedy and self-centered.

In our country today we are at year 232 since our Declaration of Independence from England. We have achieved great wealth and are regarded as the Leader in the Free World.

Are we becoming decadant? Are we as a society quite greedy? Are we as a society self-centered?

You can answer that question for yourself. We here in Middle Georgia have just heard of a fine school that has had it's reputation tarnished because a few wanted it all. They wanted to enjoy life to the fullest. Certainly a self-centered approach. No one can deny that fact.

On a national level we have a political candidate who is seeking the highest office in the land and he is campaigning to the greed of everyone. He is promising money to those who currently do not pay any taxes. He is promising a reducation in taxes for those who make less than one quarter million dollars. He has pledged to tax the rich.

All of these promises are generated to win the office of President of the United States of America. These promises certainly sound nice to the voters. But what will be the long term cost. Are we at the beginning of the decline of the United States of America because we are greedy? Are we at the beginning of the decline of the United States of America because we are self-centered? Some will say that the decline has already started. Maybe it has, but we certainly can work to turn around the decline if we do not buy into the promises. The idea of spreading the wealth certainly sounds great, but is it really? Go figure!!! What will be the long term cost.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with your logic more! Greed and self-centered-ness are the epitome of the "redistribution of wealth".

In fact, I was driving to church yesterday and passed a poor guy driving his beat-up car and I thought "What a greedy, self-centered jerk! My taxes paid for this road, where does he get the idea he can drive on it?" I hope he had an accident and isn't picked up by the county Fire & Rescue that my taxes also pay for.

Then I got to church and the pastor had the nerve to tell me that I should give 10% of MY hard earned income so that the church could use it to help the needy. One of their ministries to is feed homeless people at a mission in town. Redistribute my 10% to homeless people! How could those homeless people be so greedy and self-centered that they would take advantage of the redistribution of my wealth?!

Thanks for reminding us all how greedy and self-centered the concept of "redistribution of wealth" is.

1 Timothy 6:18

Alan said...

Anonymous has made some very interesting comments to this blog entry. I did my research on the Bible reference they made First Timothy chapter 6, verse 18.

"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share."

A most noble concept to be sure. I can fully support that concept. Saint Paul wrote this letter to Timothy to encourge and uplift him in his Ministry.

This letter starts out with these words:

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God, our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope. To Timothy.

It appears that Paul had no problem with identifying himself.

Admittedly I do not need to know who "anonymous" is. That stated, I, the Flower Child appreciate the opportunity to conduct Social Intercourse. Some may call this opportunity, a dialogue; which is what we here in the United States have the right to enjoy. I also must state that our dialogue must be conducted in a responsible manner.

As I read the comment from "anonymous" I gleaned the knowledge that they were trying to impart. I determined that the comment writer was trying to tell me that we should expect our Government to correct all the wrongs in our Society, in our Country. A Noble concept indeed!!!!

That stated, recent events right here in "River City, U. S. A. certainly prove that that concept may not always work.

Several years ago the Justice Department gave Macon a rather large Grant of almost One Million dollars for "Safe Schools Initiative."

In time it was determined that some of the funds were not used appropriately or the administrative accounting of the expenditure of these funds did not meet the required standards. Well we all know that recently the City of Macon and the U. S. Attorney announced that an agreement was reached on this problem. The City of Macon will pay the Federal Government $315,000.00 to resolve this issue.

While the original concept of the grant was indeed a noble cause it can be stated that the Governments, both National and Local were involved in trying to resolve a problem that could best be handled by caring Parents, caring citizens, caring Churches.

To expect our government to resolve all the ills of our society is simply stupid. First of all it allows elected officials to win votes by providing grants and funds to endear the elected.

This is simply "Vote Buying."

As some would say, if we give everyone enough of what they want they will continue voting for us.

This scheme will only work for a while. I do not know where the lost money went, nor am I concerned. However, we the people, all of us, send our taxes to Washington. In this case Washington sent some back. Now the City of Macon must pay the "fine" so to speak. This is really a dual taxation on all the residents of Macon. They sent their taxes North in the first place and now the City of Macon Property Taxes will be used to pay the fine. Is this Fair? You and I already know the answer to that question.

As regards "anonymous" comments regarding the poor guy on the side of the road and his suggestion that it is the government's duty to provide for this poor soul, I am always reminded of the correct definition of the word "fairness."

Fairness as we all know means equal opportunity for all.

That definition does not mean that everyone will have the same stuff as everyone else. Some have used their God given opportunities to their own demise. Some have used their opportunities to improve themselves.

So it is really unfair to expect our Governments to treat everyone fairly. We all have the right to a government funded education up through the High School level. Yet some take this opportunity to their own demise when they do not apply themselve. Enough stated about that.

I would challenge "anonymous" to simply be aware that I am really quite caring, but I also want everyone to actually care about themselves. To turn down opportunities is not my fault. Those who choose to ignore the opportunities they have are simply hurting themselves.

Government can not cure all the ills of our society.

Without going into vivid detail of all the civic involvements that I participate in, or have participated in I would challenge "anonymous" to seriously consider the impact of taxing everyone to the level that they no longer create job/employments for anyone but themselves.

When was the last time that you "anonymous" conducted a fund raiser for the Mulberry Church Outreach here in Macon?

Please be aware that I issue this challenge and can certainly say that I have been there and done that; as well as a plethora of other civic involvements with the goal of improving our society, one person at a time.

As I stated above, Government can not cure the ills of society. In some cases they create more ills.

This double taxation for the Citizens of Macon is just but one example.

I must close this Comment now and go pack up some used underwear to donate to the "Goodwill Industries" for a 2008 Tax Deduction. I understand from past donors that these can all be valued at $3.00 each. Three dollars for each brief or boxer.