Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Paradigm Shift
During the past ten days we have all witnessed history in the making. The housing crisis with the Fannie and Freddie situation receiving a lot of media attention as well as the AIG crisis and more recently the Government's Bailout proposals.
You and I, the citizens of this great land are being looked at as the possible solution. The Government can bail out these failed institutions and the Government will be using our money. No problem. Yeh!!!!
I can already see two segments of our society as victims of this crisis. Real Estate Agents and Home Interior Specialist (a.k.a. decorators) will be among the first to suffer. For years we all have been encouraged to move up and also improve our housing by remodeling, etc. Real Estate Agents enjoy commissions every time they sell a home to a new owner. The faster we as citizens sell and move up the more potential for these commissions. Then to top this all off, the home we desire to sell must have the latest kitchen counter, etc.
No wonder the average price of a home in the United States has become so high. Everyone is moving up and improving the current home with an eye to moving up soon.
So, the paradigm may soon be shifting. I look forward to the day when we can appreciate a house because it has a workable kitchen. Does the counter top have to be granite? Does the woodwork have to have the latest color? Do the appliances have to be the most up to date?
When and if I ever have to place my home on the market I think I will upgrade with onyx countertops in the kitchen and all the baths. This along with gold plated faucets should allow my home to sell very fast.
So the paradigm shift may well be underway, maybe that is what all of us really need. As for the Flower Child, I have fond memories of enjoying great meals prepared by my Mother on a Wood Fired Stove. Of course that was before television and we thought we were living well. That was also in rural America, where the cost of farm land is computed based on plowable acres versus the counter tops in the kitchen of the farm house. In fact most farm land being purchased today is devoid of buildings. Who needs them? The real profit comes from having soil that can be farmed.
Just a Thought!!!!

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