Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making Macon Go!!!!!
Recently I read that the Movers and Shakers in Macon are interested in improving business opportunities and even attracting new business to Macon, Georgia. This is a noteworthy effort and vital to the continued success of our Middle Georgia area. As we also read about large business organizations experiencing financial problems I think it is imperative that we all realize that Bigger is Not always Better. In the quest for large big box emporiums many business organizations have moved out of most City Downtowns. Now we have the golden opportunity to reverse this trend. We here in Macon, as well as other cities nation wide have a vast inventory of infrastructure that has been abandoned, and in some cases overlooked. These properties could now be rehabed to serve as sites for business organizations to prosper.
Besides that, have you ever had to conduct "Customer Service" inquires with an 800 Toll Free Number. These phone answering systems leave a lot to be desired. You have menu, sub-menu and so on before you finally have the opportunity to even speak with an uninformed individual. In some cases these uninfomred individuals have strange voice patterns which also make it impossible to conduct business in a friendly manner. So much for that problem.
As these local business opportunities become a way of life, maybe it will be possible to obtain real customer service from caring individuals. In some cases the customer service individual will actually be the business owner. Would that not be refreshing!!!!!!!
Now before we yearn for the return to the good old days, it is imperative that we also expect a change in attitude of the current business operators here in Macon. Recently I sent this message to the "Talk Radio Duo of Charles E and Kenny B with the subject line of "Keeping Business Local."
Way back in 1992 if I recall correctly, I desired to purchase a new Dodge Ram with a V-6 Engine and a stick transmission.

So I continued the routine of stopping by the Macon Dodge Dealership on Riverside Drive here in Macon on my way home at about 7:13 A.M. from my job at B&W. I could shop the lot without any salesman bothering me.

Then one day I stayed up later and went to the Dealership after they opened and I inquired why they did not have any Dodge Ram Pickups like I wanted. I was informed that I could buy any of the Dodge Pickups on the lot. Unfortunately, none met my requirements.

Later in the day, after I awoke from my day sleep and my oldest Son was home from school, he told me to try the Dodge Dealership in Perry. I drove to Perry that evening and ascertained that they did not have any Pickups that I was interested in.

However they did inform me that they would do a vehicle search and find what I wanted.

When I awoke from my day sleep the next afternoon the Dodge Dealership in Perry had called my Bride to tell me they had found a pick up in Red with a V-6 Motor with a Stick transmission.

I traveled to Perry that evening and completed the deal. They arranged to have the Truck transported to Perry and I would be able to pick it up the very next evening.

So customer service and dealer attitude plays a lot of importance when customers decide to acquire a new "whatever."

This story can be played out in any city, but the morale is, Business Owners need to train their employees to render Customer Service. It is time to respect the customer and to also develope and train employees to have the correct attitudes. Employees need to realize that their attitude can impact their future employment.

This is my take on how to develop a great business environment here in Macon, Georgia.

Nothing new here, but simple common sense.
Now you may be wondering why the Flower Child is using such a small font to post this entry. This is just another example of inferior customer Service. Have you ever tried to read the directions for the use of a product you have acquired?
Have a Great Day in Macon, Georgia and also Middle Georgia

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