Sunday, November 30, 2008

Amazing, Amazing
I recall the "Class Reunion" Story that had a certain attendee bragging without end of all the accomplishments she had achieved, how her husband had risen to power and how her children had flawless childhoods and were now attending world renown institutions of learning. After each statement her tablemate would only say one word, "Amazing." Finally the bragging women turned the conversation over to her tablemate with a phrase like "Tell Me Darling, What Is Going On In Your Life!!!" The Tablemate's response was I recently graduated from a Charm School where I learned to simply say "Amazing" instead of "B ll Sh t."
The Local & State Section of "The Telegraph" published here in Macon, Georgia had an amazing statement credited to Candidate Jim Martin as he travels across Georgia to win a Senate seat in the December 2, 2008 election. Candidate Jim Martin gave his opponent "Saxby Chambliss" credit for the demise of the Brown and William Tobacco Company here in the Mid-State.
My first reaction after reading this aritcle was to do nothing. I felt that I should not dignify his comment/s with a response. But after considering the impact of such a statement I determined that I should do my part to let everyone know that Candidate Jim Martin is simply misleading the voters to achieve a U. S. Senate Seat.
There is a picture of candidate Jim Martin standing on Weaver Road with the Closed Tobacco Plant in the Background. To quote the photo caption - "Martin blamed plant closures like it on 'Saxby Economics," referrring to his Republican opponent in Tuesday's runoff Sen. Saxby Chambliss."
Candidate Jim Martin's statement is Amazing. It is a fact that the Democrats had as a major objective in the 1990s the goal of shutting down the Tobacco Industry. The Honorable Henry A. Waxman, Democrat, 30th District, California quickly comes to my mine. He like so many other Democrats labored hard and long to achieve the Tobacco Settlement Plant which provides a windfall of monies to the Fifty States of the United States of America over a pre-established number of years. These monies were to be used to prevent smoking. Well, we have all recently read where the States are using their monies for anything but smoking prevention.
I will conclude this Post with this comment: Candidate Jim Martin is Amazing!!!!!

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