Monday, June 01, 2009

Rush, Rush, Rush!!!
First of all I will admit that I am older than the average citizen. I also know that I have observed many cultures around our World as I traveled at the expense of the Government of the United States of America.
In 2008 the majority of the citizens of our Great Country voted for Change. The candidate presented an excellent concept and won the hearts and votes of many citizens. We all know that our current President took office on January 20, 2009.
Since that date the President has continued to present himself as a candidate versus a real Leader of the United States of America. Without going into a long discussion of the Changes, I recall the GITMO edict which appears to now being reconsidered. Enough stated about that Change. Our duly elected Congress, both the Senate and the House of Representatives have enacted legislation without even reading it. We are rushing, rushing to fix the problems that confront our Great Country.
At this point in time I would propose that our duly elected leaders, commencing with the President, the U. S. Senate and the House of Representatives actually take some time out so to speak and consider the long term consequences of their recent action. Can we afford to pay for all the new changes that have been enacted in this rapid manner?
I can recall one event in our Nation's History where rapid action was called for. That was on December 8th, 1941. At the current time we have a leader in North Korea who plans on testing the will of our new President. Yet the duly elected leaders are more caught up in __________ (you fill in the blank).
From my point of view our Nation is facing a crisis that can not be ignored. The Leader of this Country as well as other Freedom Loving World Leaders need to link arms and implement a solution to the North Korean Crisis.
If we need to rush, rush, rush, the North Korean Missile/Nuclear Warhead Threat must be the first order of business.
Mr. President, the campaign is over. We all now must get on with the important events without rushing, except for the North Korean situation, and do what is correct for the long term welfare of our United States of America.
Our Nation is well over 232 years old. History reminds me that the Roman Empire and the British Empire did not last much longer than 200 years. It it our turn? Or, can we turn this situation around by employing prudent leadership.
We the People must expect better than what we are currently receiving. There is no doubt in my mind that simply rushing solutions through the system may be the downfall of America. There have never been any easy answers, yet our current Leaders think that with the stroke of a pen that any problem can be resolved. Oh, I forgot, you also need to have/call a press conference and explain what is going on so that we all can understand. Never mind the fact that most U. S. Citizens respect history and know full well what is going on. We simply can not ever spend our way out of debt, which appears the mantra of our Current Washington Crowd.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!!! Well stated!!!
Can you send this to every congressman and representative in Washington as well as "our" President?

Alan said...

I certainly can sent it to my one Congressman and my two Senators.

I will also check out our President's website to try to send it to him.

Thanks for the kind comment.

Alan said...

Here it is, 7:22 P.M. on Friday, June 5th, 2009. Sixty Five years ago tomorrow many of our Nations Heroes stormed a beach in the North of France to protect freedoms for the freedom loving peoples of this World.

Today, I just completed sending the contents of this "Rush, Rush, Rush" blog to our President, my Two Georgia Senators and my One Georgia Representative.

Everyone needs to let their duly elected officials know how they feel.