Sunday, September 14, 2008

2008 Presidential Campaign
"The Question"
Who Has the Experience?

An F/A-18 Hornet Being launched from an Aircraft Carrier

A U. S. Navy Jet Breaking the Sound Barrier!!

Can Barack Hussein Obama II fly anytype of Aircraft?

Can John Sidney McCain III Operate this Basic Computer?

The Flower Child has been aware that each Presidential Campaign in the 2008 Election cycle has questioned the experience level of the other Candidate. Admittedly the Airplane shown above is a U. S. Navy F/A 18 Hornet. The Republican Candidate for President of the U. S. A operated A4E Skyhawk Aircraft when he served us all while he was in the U. S. Navy.

The Democrat Canidate is making a big issue of the fact that the Republican Candidate can not operate basic computer equipment to send E-Mail or even surf the Internet.

Candidate John Sidney McCain III graduated from the U. S. Navy Academy three years prior to the birth of Candidate Barack Hussein Obama II. I also know that many attempts have been made to discredit Candidate McCain's Academy Education in as much as he did not have the best grade point average. That stated I believe that we all have to consider who really has the life experiences as we prepare in less than two months to exercise our sacred right to vote.

I never graduated from any College or University and I served our country as an enlisted person in the U. S. Navy. I was a Yeoman. In civilian terms that means I was an Office Clerk and in later years a Administrative Specialist as I advanced in rating. I had a background in keyboard operation. When I turned 62 years of age I attended a Summer Semester at Macon State College and was enrolled in the Information Technology Program. I learned how to surf the web and how to send E-Mails. I also leaned about other Computer Programs such as Excel and Word.

My real concern today as I compose this Blog is anybody can be an office clerk. I know, I was!!! I never qualified to be a Pilot in any branch of the Services. I know that it takes many skills to operate a modern Fighter/Attack Aircraft. I also know that I can operate a computer. Additionally, I know that many "Clerks" in our U. S. Government will be able to send the next President's E-Mails and Surf the Internet for him.

I think that the life experiences as a leader in the real world are far more important than haveing E-Mail skills as we consider who our next President should be.

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