Friday, December 19, 2008

U. S. Navy Uniforms

Most of you know that the "Flower Child" served in the U. S. Navy some years ago. The above picture shows two Sailors working the Chart desk on a Modern Aircraft Carrier. These two Sailors are performing their task and also wearing the "Working Uniform" that I proudly wore until I made Chief Petty officer.
This picture shows the new "Navy Camo" modeled by the Master Chief of the U. S. Navy as he prepares to serve "Chow" onboard a Gator Freighter.

Some view this new camo as a step forward. As a retiree I have fond memories of the old style "Work Uniform," and I will always remember how the trousers could be made into a "Life Preserver" should the need develop.

Time will tell if the New Navy Camo is a winner. Remember you saw it first on the Flower Child's Blog - The World This Week.

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