Friday, January 07, 2011

Life Is Good
As most readers of this Blog "The World This Week" know I am a retired U. S. Navy Veteran and also a retired Brown and Williamson Factory Worker.  I have enjoyed a wonderful life and I now enjoy the opportunity to savor wonderful food in an appropriate setting. 

What you are viewing here is a casual Breakfast which I served My Bride and Myself on the morning of December 29, 2010.  It consisted of Cranberry Juice, Toast, Breakfast Sausage as well as a bowl of Cherrioes flavored with Georgia Honey.    In as much as we were still celebrating Christmas I used appropriate table linens so that we had an opportunity to appreciate this selection of food as well as savor a cup of Coffee at the conclusion of the Breakfast.

As you may surmise, I do enjoy life.

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