Wednesday, August 30, 2006

All About High Paying Jobs
Once again, we here in Middle Georgia have learned that we will no longer have another Sports Team. Yes, this is a shame!!!!!! We are losing another wholesome Family Fun Entertainment option.
So whi is the Fork Lift the featured image here today. Several years ago we had a public figure in the State of Georgia Legistature state that we needed "High Paying Jobs." This is most certainly true and also a fact of life. We still need these jobs. Yes, we have recently witnessed a plethora of business organizations relocate or locate in Middle Georgia; but most of them are in the distribution business. Nothing wrong with that, but with automated distribution centers all that is needed is a few fork lifts to move pallets of materials from an autmotated spur to the dock or even insert the pallet into the truck. Fork Lifts also need repair so we will have to have a few mechanics. These jobs may pay fairly well, but with so few individuals needed there will not be an intense infusion of funds in the local economy.
Yet we continue to decry that there is nothing to do in Middle Georgia. We continue to accept sub-standard education in Georgia. We have not expected the best of our Students or even the professional educators. If we are to compete for the high paying jobs we need to place major emphasis on education and develop a quality work force. Admittedly we have a fine Medical Care Complex here, along with a plethora of fine Fast Food Organizations.
However, we still need High Paying Jobs for the average citizen. Not all of us can be Doctors or Lawyers. For the general population who is currently employed there are several considerations that must impact on our willingness to take the family out for an evening of wholesome entertainment:
  • Most of us obtain fuel for our vehicles and that cost has increased in recent years.
  • Most of us enjoy air conditioned homes and energy cost have also increased in recent years.
  • Most of us enjoy and also appreciate wholesome family time in our homes.
  • Most of us have become victims of great advertising on behalf of the entertainment equipment industry. Translation - Most of us have reasonably big screen televisions in our home.
  • Most of us appreciate the opportunity to enjoy the plethora of programs we can receive on these same big screen televisions. We can enjoy what we want without the confusion of crowds or having to adorn our bodies with appropriate attire to be seen in public.
  • Most of us rely on our television entertainment via cable or satellite transmission which can consume a fair amount of available funds for entertainment.

I realize that most of my considerations discussed above are recent events so you may be asking, Why has Middle Georgia failed in the arena of Fan Support of worthwhile sports organizations in the past?

  • Is there a lack of appreciation for the efforts of the talent who have participated in the sports arena in the past?
  • As a second tier city, do we in Macon expect professional sports at a minor league level to be as well executed as the big time professional players we observe on our televisions?

Additionally I would suggest that there are many here in Middle Georgia who are tired of the hassle of poorly managed infrastructure which has surrounded the previous sports organizations we have enjoyed in the past. Parking at the coliseum is not a major problem, but I can recall that during my thirty some years here in Middle Georgia that it appears that no organization can function effectively there until we have an appropriate exit scheme in effect for visitors who want to depart the parking lot after an event. We have several exit gates there and yet most of the time one has to que up to depart only one gate. My observation here is that if you pay to park, there should be a viable scheme in place to assist with the exit from the parking lot.

I have never been the victim of vandalism at the Coliseum Parking lot, but I have observed smashed car windows. This does not bode well for repeat attendance!!!!

These are just but two examples of why attendance may be poor at the Coliseum. I can also state here that we may have lost the Macon Braves because we, all of us, were not ready to expend the funds to upgrade the drainage infrastructure at Luther Williams Base Ball Park. What a shame. I have been to Rome, Georgia and witnessed first hand the joy of attending a Minor League Base Ball event in a fine facility in an area that was and still is dedicated to providing a wholesome arena for Wholesome Family Fun Entertainment.

Until we have a dedicated cadre of leadership who is willing to admit that we can, and should also do better; we in Middle Georgia will continue to suffer from a lack of Wholesome Family Fun Entertainment.

Speaking to my own situation, my funds are now expended as follows:

  • A generous cable bill for a plethora of television options along with Internet access
  • A more than ample High Definition Television with a big screen

I did enjoy the recent Little League World Series Base Ball Tournament. Columbus, Georgia I salute you for a season Well Done!!!!!!!!

To reinforce a situation that I feel should have been of major impact to Macon, Georgia and also Luther Williams Base Ball Park. The recent State of Georgia American Legion Base Ball tourament was played at the Mercer University Sports Complex. Why not have future American Legion Base Ball Touraments at Luther Williams Base Ball Park? We have teams from all over Georgia participate in this event and once again we here in Middle Georgia missed an excellent opportunity to showcase a wonderful facility which also has a stellar heritage which we could have also shared with these young players and their families. Again, what a shame.

When I was last employed at a local factory here in Middle Georgia I always jokingly stated that the most stable job opportunity would be a fork lift operator. Well that has played out quite well. I know for a fact that the last labor job at this very same factory was to operate the fork lifts as the last production machines were loaded on appropriate transport to go to a new facility.

Yes, We Do Need High Paying Jobs!!!!! Yes, We Do Have to Also Educate People!!!!!!

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