Saturday, August 12, 2006

Moral Clarity

In recent weeks during the Primary Election Campaigns we have heard of “Family Values” from various candidates. I do believe that a better phrase would be “Moral Clarity.”

I know that it is sometimes helpful to look up certain words:

Moral: “Capable of making the distinction between right and wrong in conduct.”

Clarity: A noun “clearness”

I have observed, all too often, the need for people to be politically correct in their daily involvement with fellow members of the human race. In this regard, I also believe that these same individuals may also lack moral clarity in their thinking. I can speak out against an issue and some consider it an attack on the person. I would like to relay a principle that I have found works for me: “Love the Sinner/Wrongdoer, not the Sin/Mistake.”

I certainly believe that some confuse the issue. It appears to me that there are those who think that they must love the sin/mistake if they also want to love the sinner/error maker. Talk about a convoluted through process. I suspect that this is the mantra of those who seek approval at all times and devote to much of their precious time to “Being politically correct;” at the expense of what is the best course of action for the long term and also of greatest value for all!!

I think of the Muslim woman in England who “rang up” New Scotland Yard some months ago to report a suspicious event. We all can certainly thank Her and also New Scotland Yard for taking the call seriously. She had moral clarity and certainly did not adhere to the “politically correct” mantra in her actions.

I am grateful and will forever be thankful that this Muslim woman had moral clarity as a mantra in her life. Just Think, here she put the finger on or in fact ratted on an extremist!!!

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