Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Education in Bibb County, Georgia

When I first started this Blog "The World This Week," I posted a message about the Bibb County Board of Education and their being accessible to the citizens of Bibb County. I publish the following information today. If you desire to let your thoughts be heard and also voice your concerns with the Bibb County Board of Education you are encouraged to visit:
Once you are on this site, click on the "Board of Education" tab. You will quickly ascertain that three members of the eight are now accessible via E-Mail. I salute and also appreciate these three Board Members.
Ms. Susan Middleton, Mr. Albert Abrams and Mr. Gary Bechtel are taking their oath seriously. We all need to commend them for their caring attitude and their ability to receive input from the citizens of Bibb County.
The staff of one, here at "The World This Week" appreciates these dedicated Board members. Thank You!!!!!

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