Monday, April 16, 2007

Flower Child's Appointment
The Flower Child, also known as Alan, has recently been appointed as an Ambassador from the State of Iowa to the State of Georgia. For additional information please review this release:
I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed an Ambassador of the Great State of Iowa to the State of Georgia. In his announcement, "The Honorable Governor of the State of Iowa" appointed Alan, as the Ambassador to Georgia to promote Trade, especially John Deere Corporation Products and Corn Products.

While this appointment provides no financial gain for Alan, the fact that he will allow his Home State to continue to prosper is considered adequate and proper renumeration.

In accepting his appointment, Alan (a.k.a. Flower Child) indicated that he looks forward to promoting Iowa products in Georgia. Along with farm implements and Iowa products, it is also Alan's goal to promote education for the Children of Georgia. As a product of the Iowa education system, Alan has first hand experience in excelling in the famed "Iowa State Test," now known as the "Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS)."

This should be a win, win situation for all concern. Georgia will become a greener state and ethanol fuel should also help in reducing the reliance on foreign energy. Additionally, the SAT and ACT scores for Georgia Scholars should improve.


Alan said...

Now my dear readers, this post was prompted by the recent announcement by Macon, Georgia's Mayor that he will soon be the Counsel General in an Honorary status to represent Ghana or is it Uganda, in South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

Anonymous said...

Good. So now I am sure this is a hoax or satire.