Thursday, December 26, 2013

Alan's Blessings and Concerns as 2013 Concludes

Today I post a series of pictures.  The first two display some of the many Blessings that I am enjoying as we conclude 2013.  I recently acquired a lovely platter at Robinson Home here in Macon, Georgia on First Street.  The second picture shows me enjoying my Boxing Day Breakfast which was prepared by my loving Bride, Janice Marie.

The third picture displays what it may be like for the hundreds of thousands who live in the Upper Mid-west and the Northeast USA as they suffer from the consequences of major ice storms that have taken out the power lines.  I understand from reports that I have recently heard on Public Radio that our Federal Government has yet to offer assistance.  What a shame?  Maybe our President is too busy enjoying this Christmas Vacation (Winter Holiday) in Hawaii with his Family to be bothered with the plight of so many U. S. A Citizens.  I would suspect that many have voted for him in the past; however now that he cannot run again, who cares!!!!   Just my thoughts on the situation.  However this should be a major Concern for all of us.  Who knows where the next disaster may strike.

The final pictures displays the logo for the Ford Motor Company.  I understand that Ford is the only American Car Company that has produced a "Very Safe Car" according to recent government safety test.  What happened to GMC and Chrysler?  Did they not recently receive government assistance to keep them in business.  I would suggest that maybe if you can rely on the Federal Government to keep your business in business that you may lose your competitive edge.  Just my thought on the situation.

As we Conclude 2013 this is a brief report of My Blessings and My Concerns.  Happy 2014.

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