Saturday, July 15, 2006

"Update on Flower Child's Pocket Garden"
Several days ago I published a picture of the Pocket Garden at my home. Today I would like to update that picture.

Another aspect of gardening as a hobby is that your Friends, Family Members and Neighbors are always willing to share plants, cuttings or even seeds with you. I enjoy this aspect of Gardening and appreciate what others have freely shared with me. I cannot recall the name of the plant at the left. I am asking for your help in identifying this lovely plant. I placed it in a six inch terra cotta pot and it has grown lovely leaves for the last two years. It dies back in the Winter time. This is the first year that it has produced any blooms. As you can tell, the flowers are very interesting. The one on the left has been in this state for about seven days. The new shoot on the right is just beginning to display a hint of white on the blooms beneath the star looking foliage at the top of the stem.
It is a very interesting looking plant and I enjoy the unique flower. If you can help me identify this plant I would appreciate it very much. Please leave your comments.
Thank You!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The plant with the neat white flowers is generally known as a "Pineapple Lily."