It is an interesting situation when some of our esteemed Georgia Senators and Representatives appear to have problems with paying their Georgia and/or Federal taxes. These fellow citizens take an oath to serve "We The People," after they are elected. These fellow citizens that are charged with enacting our Laws and also providing for the enf0rcement of these Laws certainly deserve our respect. Additionally we should trust them to do the right things while they serve us. I believe Ms. C. Meeks of Macon puts it in proper focus when she talks about "Servant Leadership."
From my personal point of view I find it very difficult to trust or even respect any person, let alone a duly elected Law Maker, when they think they do not have to abide by the rules that they and our State Government establish through the proper legistative process.
I have fond memories of this Oath which I took many times during my time in the U. S. Navy and I quote:
"I, Alan ________ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Every enlisted Navy person takes this oath when they first enlist. They affirm this oath at the time of every reenlistment.
I would suspect that our duly elected Lawmakers also swear to "support and defend" the Constitution of the State of Georgia.
In short, I realize that everyone is innocent until proven guilty and that everyone is entitled to due process. It will be interesting to see and hear how the situation regarding our Georgia Law Makers plays out regarding their payment/non-payment of Georgia Taxes.
Once it is determined that any of our Georgia Law Makers have failed to pay their just Taxes it would appear that they will have lost the Public Trust. From a personal point of view I think I will find it difficult to respect anyone who has failed to pay their just Taxes on both a Federal or State level.
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