Saturday, August 27, 2011

Macon, Georgia
Photographer's Paradise

 Several evenings ago, My Bride and I conducted a two person photo shoot of a well known Macon, Georgia Landmark. 

 Previous to this Photo Shoot I had entered a photo of this site in a Middle Georgia Camera Club Competition.  The Judge, who was from Florida, gave some great commentary on how I could improve my images of this site.  I kept the commentary and actually read it prior to this shoot.

 One of the comments was to get up close and focus on the lines and angles.  I appreciate the composition that resulted when I zoomed in on this part of the structure.

 Another comments was to visit the location during the Golden Hours, which are one hour after Sunrise or one hour prior to Sunset.  This photo shoot was conducted during the period of one hour prior to Sunset.  Here you can see the glow on the left side which is a benefit of that advice.

 Another zoomed in view of the discharge chute of the Coaling Tower.  Again, the glow of the setting Sun is evident.

I like the diagonial line the steps create in this close up.  Also the glow of the setting Sun on the left side.

The final line of the critique was to sometimes face the subject straight on.  This view takes that comment into action.

It was a fun photo shoot and I enjoyed the opportunity to put a Judge's Comments into practice.


David Stout said...

Your final comment was, in my opinion, vital - IT WAS FUN! We all share this wonderful interest, and hopefully enjoying it is our top priority!

perry said...

enjoy the wider views with creeping
vines going up the side...

nice work
