Tuesday, November 01, 2011


For several weeks I have been keeping articles that have captured my interest:

Sep 25, 2011 - "Prison of the Mind" by Charles E. Richardson.  In this column the author pointed out that the former mantra employed by some is "That it was still their way or the highway" as he discussed the "changing political winds under the Gold Dome....."  I believe that he was referring to the new focus of our current "Bibb Delegation" to the Georgia General Assembly.  We were encouraged to not let our minds become a prison focused on the past.

Sep 26, 2011 - A "Your Say" column by George A. Fadil Muhammaad was focused on the recent Democrat primary that elected candidate Robert Reichert.  The article was entitled "Now that he's won, the Mayor must address the total comunity's needs."  The author focused on the fact that the Mayor needs to focus on many situations in the City of Macon.  Yet, I continue to be amazed that the City Council of Macon has neglected to implement the Mayor's Plan, which was formulated by the Police Department.  I would submit that if the Mayor's Plan is inferior, I would humbly suggest that maybe the "City Council" could develop a superior scheme to address the Youth Violence issue that has troubled Macon in recent weeks.

Sep 28, 2011 - "A new day is dawning" by Dr. Catherine Meeks.  From my point of view she correctly summed up the situation here in Macon/Bibb County  as she stated"we have to change."  Her concluding sentence stated "Let's begin with collective cooperation and work together for the sake of all the children and our collective futures."

Oct 5, 2011 - Page 1A of "The Telegraph" a subheadline - "County hangs $7550 assessment on man's johnboat."  Admittedly I may have missed the article informing us all how this "crisis" was resolved; but I would submit that this was really a non-story that should have been resolved quickly if certain officials had used common sense.

Oct 5, 2011 - "On this matter, let's take the tea party at its word" by Leonard Pitts Jr.  The author discussed the challenges our Country faces.  I am aware that in order to bring about change two extremes must meet in the middle.  I would suggest that the "tea party" realizes that changes must be accomplished; however everybody must practice the gentle of negotiation so that an appropriate compromise can be achieved for the best interest of our Society.

Oct 16, 2011 - "Profile in courage" by Charles E. Richardson.  In this article the author presented a situation which happened in April of 1967.   I was not aware of this incident; but I am also confident that many local citizens learned of a Lester Maddox of ax handle fame that did enact much needed prison reform in Georgia.  While I did not reside in Georgia in 1967 I was aware of an ax wielding Lester Maddox during this time period. 

Oct 16, 2011 - "The aimless occupiers" by Kenny Burgamy.  In this article the author reminded us that the occupiers may be serving a useful purpose.  The occupiers may be allowing the voters of this country to vote for appropriate change in 2012.

Oct 26, 2011 - "Fixing schools depends largely on their leaders" - A special article by Charles H. Roberts.  The author submitted three challenges; however I will focus on the third challenge, which I will quote:

"The third challenge is to ensure that all students are engaged in meaningful and rewarding co-curricular and extracurricular activities.  A strong effort should certainly be made to strengthen and increase participation in existing activities, such as ports teams and marching bands, emphasizing discipline and excellence in all aspects.  School leaders should then implement intramural activities during the school day, while operating high quality after-school programs.  Parents and members of the surrounding communities could become instrumental in this process.  Once students are meaningfully engaged in these activities, their dispositions can change dramatically for the better, and their continued participation in these activities could be used as leverage to instill discipline and maintain order, rather than continuing to suspend and expel students to no effect, or with negative effect."

Finally Dr. Roberts suggest that the musical heritage of Macon and Middle Georgia be stressed to properly engage our Scholars and achieve positive education results.

I salute Dr. Roberts for his "Your Say" article and I will simply add my observation.  If we continue the same tactics, while expecting different results; we are all indeed insane.

Maybe, as Dr. Meeks pointed out - "It is time for change."  Or words with that emphasis.  Thank You, Dr. Roberts.  Maybe you are on to something!!!

Let us all hope that our leaders are awake!!!

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