Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Packer
A 2009 View

It is difficult to think that a whole ten years has passed since the Power Packer retired from Brown and Williamson Tobacco Company here in Macon, Georgia. Many will remember the uniform we all wore prior to this one. It was a maize colored shirt with a brown trouser. The picture shown above is the uniform shirt we wore with blue trousers as the local tobacco completed an almost thirty run in Middle Georgia.
One thing that can be stated about the individuals who worked at Brown and Williamson during the late 1900s. This company gave a lot of Middle Georgia Citizens upward mobility. I as but one former Brown and Williamson Employee appreciate the good fortune that was given to me on 9 May 1983. I retired on 1 September 1999.
Most of the 3300 Brown and Williamson workers had a "handle." On my retirement my workmates presented me with a plaque which listed all the handles I had during my time at Brown and Williamson.
They were: "Power Packer" "Waldo" "Chief" "Water Boy" "Bag Boy" "Paper Boy" and "Ladder Boy"
Of course I have fond memories of my employment opportunity at Brown and Williamson. I did enjoy it!!!!

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