Friday, October 16, 2009

Who Is Crazy?

During a recent Electronic Media broadcast I recall hearing that our Bibb County Commissioners are considering the hiring of a "Lobbyist" to interact with our duly elected leaders from Bibb County who represent us in the Georgia General Assembly each year.

I must be seriously in error to even feel that this is but another example of some crazy thinking on the part of who ever suggested this idea. I may be incorrect, but are not the members of the Bibb Delegation elected by "We The People." I seem to recall that during the campaign each of these candidates won their respective elections. I also seem to recall that each of these campaign winners pledged to represent "We The People" in the halls of the Georgia Capital!!!

Now I hear tell that we need a lobbyist. If these duly elected Lawmakers are actually representing us why do we need a lobbyist? I would like to know. Additionally, I would humbly suggest that each of these duly elected lawmakers could hold "town hall" type meetings for the people who voted them into office. I suspect that even citizens who did not vote for those currently serving would also attend these "town hall" type meetings. This is how it should work.

Our own President is aware of the economic problems we are all facing. I heard him say so during the recent "town hall" meeting in New Orleans. I can not understand how our Commissioners can even consider the hiring of a lobbyist. I simply cannot comprehend why we can not trust our duly elected lawmakers to do what is correct and proper.
Therefore I would respectfully submit that we do not need a lobbyist. Of course I may be living in what I consider a perfect world and that everyone is doing what is correct and proper. But then again, to have such contempt for our duly elected leaders that we need a lobbyist to swing their voting our way seems to run contrary to what we expected when we as citizens elected them. After all each lawmaker did receive a majority of the votes for their respective district.
Therefore, Dear Bibb County Commissioners, please evaluate the need for a lobbyist and consider how these funds could be spend right here in Bibb County for the benefit of "We The People" of Bibb County.
Or, I hate to even state this, or is the potential "lobbyist" some one near and/or dear to any of our current Bibb Delegation? Or is the potential "lobbyist" a member of any of our duly elected Commissioners families. Or, is someone suggesting this because they owe a favor to someone who helped them achieve their current status.
In any regard, it is not a prudent idea at this time, or for that matter, it is not a prudent idea at any time.
I am one citizen who believes that we should hold all of our duly elected leaders accountable. We simply do not need somebody to put a spin on a situation to garner our lawmakers attention. If these lawmakers fail us as "We The People," we have the duty to vote them out of office. From my point of view that could start right here in Bibb County.
Therefore, please excerise caution before you execute your own future and place "We The People" in harms way by expending resources (read money) that you may not have in the future to support all these ideas which now appear to be germane.
So ask your self the question: "Who Is Crazy?"

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