Wednesday, July 29, 2009


During my recent trip to Iowa I had the opportunity to meet BarackO. This dog wandered onto the Farm of one of my relatives about March 2008.
You may recall that this was about two months after the famed Iowa Caucus events of January 2008. As we all know our current President captured his first win in Iowa. Because his history was unknown the name of "BarackO" was immediately given to this fine looking speciman.
Today, July 29, 2009 I was shocked to learn that the "Blue Dog Democrats" on our Congress have actually agreed to vote on the Health Care/Health Insurance Reform Package this coming September 2009. Good news indeed because maybe everyone involved will have the opportunity to actually consider this Reform Package and actually have time to communicate with the American People. You know, "We The People."
In the mean time I thought you may like to see what a "Blue Dog" looks like. I do not think BarackO is a Democrat, but then again you never know. One thing for sure - He Is Handsome!

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