Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cost Effective Health Care for the U.S.A.
Recently the media has been full of reports on our President's Proposed Health Care. I have heard it called Socialized Medicine to Nationalized Health Care. I am not really concerned about the title.
I have also heard that the long range cost will be so high that we will be mortgaging our Souls to pay for it.
Of course some of this is hyberpole depending on the point of view of the commentator/reporter.
I have also heard that we have from 37 to 47 million uninsured Americans. This has been questioned. Do we need to cover the illegals? I just heard today that our influx of illegals is slowing down because of the current economic climiate in the U. S. A. Maybe if we wait a few months some of the illegals will return to their homeland.
That stated, I also understand that some who have adequate funds do not have health care insurance by their own choice. The number of citizens "Note the word citizens) who do not have adequate health care insurance ranges from 8 to 14 million American Citizens.
Yet we have all heard the figures from the Congressional Budget Office that the price tag for the current Presidential Proposal will range in the 25 Trillion area when the long term consequences are added up.
I have a much cheaper solution. Just suppose that we have 10,000,000 real citizens who have and may deserve a Government Health Care Program. I would suggest that we issue each of these ten million citizens a $100,000.00 check. They would be required to have a valid Social Security Number. The funds would be tax free.
Then each of these ten million could purchase adequate health insurance to meet their own needs, maybe even improve their lot in life where they could achieve better employment with health care insurance coverage, or if they so choose to squander away the $100,000.00
They would have freedom of choice which we all know and realize is the American Way. No matter how these Ten Million use their funds, they would be forever denyed health care coverage courtesy of the U. S. Government. Their use of the funds would indicate how much they respected their own bodies. No longer would "We The People!!" have to be concerned about them.
The total cost for Ten Million currently uninsured U. S. A. Citizens in today's dollars would be:
By my calulations that is far less than the long range cost of our President's proposal if the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) are correct.
Certainly something to consider. While some my decry that my proposal is inhuman, it would certainly allow freedom of choice and those who decided to abuse their $100,000.00 would be the ones who would suffer the consequences. As the current proposal stands, everyone will suffer forever!!! Certainly not a future that I desire for my Great-Great Grand Children to have to even cope with.

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