Camp Meeting Celebration
The First Annual
held at
Ingleside United Methodist Church
Macon, Georgia
Sunday, August 25, 2013
I am glad that I had the opportunity to attend this uplifting event this past Sunday. In addition to Ingleside United Methodist Church there were two other congregations who provided Choirs for this Singing event. They were:
The Martha Bowmen United Methodist Choir
The Singing Saints of Forest Hills United Methodist Church
Each of these Choirs performed several songs each. However the wonderful songs that were selected to be sung by everyone in attendance were the highpoint of the Celebration for me. The songs everyone sang included:
We're Marching To Zion
My Hope is Built
Church in The Wildwood
In the Garden
Blessed Assurance
Dwelling in Beulah Land
Rescue the Perishing
Wonderful Words of Life
Love Lifted Me
Onward Christian Solders
There was a "Love Offering for Wesley Glen Ministries" as well as a Finger Food Fellowship at the conclusion of the First Annual Camp Meeting Celebration.
A special and also a wonderful way to enjoy two hours on a Sunday Afternoon.
I am reminded once again, that we who live in Macon have so many wonderful events to enjoy each weekend. Thank You to the Choirs of the three Congregations as well as the Host Church.
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