Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Something to Think About

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Born - May 29, 1917
Graduated from Harvard
President of the United States of America
20 January 1961

Cuban Missile Crisis
ended October 28, 1961
also known as
"The Thirteen Days in October"

Barack Hussein Obama
Born - August 4, 2961
Graduated from Harvard Law School
President of the United States of America
20 January  2009

Occupy Wall Street
When Will It End?

For additional details about this Occupation please visit:


I have heard that our sitting President and certain elected leaders of our Government are supporting the Occupy Wall Street Group/s.  I cannot comprehend how any President can support Civil Disobedience. 

So My question today is:  Where Did 'We The People" Go Wrong?  Certainly something to think about and consider.

I wish everyone a good day and may your stocks increase in value so that America can continue.

Thank You!!!

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