Friday, January 09, 2009

Local Citizens Against Proposed Development
Bass Road/Rivoli Drive
Bibb County, Georgia
My readers here know that as 2008 concluded I posted a ten part series on Progress in Macon, Georgia, Bibb County, Georgia and even Middle Georgia. Today I will post my comments about the Proposed Development at Bass Road/Rivoli Drive here in Bibb County, Georgia.
I read an interesting article in The Telegraph which is published in Macon, Georgia. The author of the Article was a Phillip Ramati. I also listed to the "Mix in the Morning" on FM 100.9 and learned that the individuals objecting to the project may not be fully informed as to what the proposed development involves. Mr. Ramati's article clearly stated that the proposal that the development plan called for was an assisted living center as well as apartments and some townhouses.
After hearing the Talk Radio conversation and reading the article I ascertained that a field trip to acquire accurate information was in order.

As I approached the proposed project location I was able to view the large sign which you see above. The sign clearly indicates that the concerned citizens desire to:

  • STOP Apartments!
  • STOP Nursing Home Complex!
  • STOP High Density Housing!

All of these stated concerns clearly indicate to me that someone is attempting to mislead the general public. I would hope that the article in The Telegraph was correct wherein the potential development of this site was for Apartments, Townhomes and an Assisted Living Facility.

Let me be quite clear here, as a retired member of the U. S. Forces I did dedicate 21 years of my life to preserving the Freedoms we all enjoy in our United States of America. What I view with total distain is the fact that someone is attempting to mislead the General Public with what appears to be a totally false statement.

For those who may not know it, after I retired from the U. S. Navy from my last shore duty here in Macon, Georgia in December 1981 I was employed at a "Real" local Nursing Home here in Bibb County. I stated this because I certainly know the difference between a Nursing Home and an "Assisted Living Center."

This is a view of Bass Road looking South from Rivoli Drive. The great power transmission lines are on the side of the Road as the Proposed Project. Now I realize that we all need electric power, but to me, the Flower Child, these lines are more of an Eye sore to the local residents of this area than any well planned development

Because of the height and size of these transmission line poles I really doubt that they will be moved anytime in the future. I show this picture to clearly display that the area certainly has an abundance of eye sores already. The previous sentence is not to imply that the proposal would even be an Eye Sore. This is a view looking North on Bass Road at Rivoli Drive. You can observe the traffic signals already in place!

This is a view into the forest of the Proposed Development. You can readily observe the tall pine trees which may soon be harvested for pulp wood. This process would be a total clear cut of the land. It generally takes at least twenty-one years for a pine tree to grow to the desired height and thickness to be harvested for pulp wood. I show this picture to clearly display another fact that concerned citizens may state as they may oppose the project. "The Developer must provide adequate Green Space/Belt to hide the development, etc." I will be the first one to tell you that keeping these type of trees on this land does not even meet the requirement for a well planned Green Space/Belt. These tall pine trees are a cash crop for the land owner and can also be considered an Eye Sore. Anyone with any knowledge about pine trees growing in a forest will quickly inform you that as trees mature, some die out and fall over. This is a fact when growing trees.
So why should I, the Flower Child, even be concerned about this project? Progress is what will enhance our Tax Digest here in Bibb County. Everyone knows that progress is fine as long as it is not in my/their back yard. That is also a given to anyone who has ever attended a Planning and/or Zoning Meeting in any part of our United States.
My most compelling reason for publishing this Entry today is to encourage all parties involved to stick to the facts and not publish or post false information. Everyone of us needs to respect our fellow people kind. A false statement is simply that. It is an attempt to mislead and to also gain power or enough citizens to oppose a project such as the situation this entry discusses.
As you may note, I have published 600 of these entries as of Thursday, January 08, 2009.

1 comment:

Alan said...

I attended the Planning and Zoning Meeting in Macon on Monday, January 12, 2008 concerning this project, among others.

One respected citizen who opposed the project indicated that "They should bring back the Cows" rather than allow this mixed development.