Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Peace Through Power"


"Pax Per Patens"

I recall that during my brief twenty one year tour in the U. S. Navy in the 1960s and 1970s the mantra for our Service was "Peace Through Power."  

Now, depending if you read the Wall Street Journal or the Washington Post our current President's "Apology Tour" during his first months in office is fact or fiction.

I make this post today after I recently heard on various media outlets that our President is working within the frame work of the United Nations to resolve an Israel/Palestine problem. 

I have heard that our President is regarded as a "Paper Tiger" because of the many problems we currently face in the United States of America.  My research using Wikipedia indicates that the definition of Paper Tiger is:

"In appearance it is very powerful but in reality it is nothing to be afraid of; it is a paper tiger. Outwardly a tiger, it is made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain. I believe that is nothing but a paper tiger."

So my concern today, as but one Citizen of the United States of America is:  "How can our President expect the Statesmen of the World to comply/listen to his recommendations when we currently have so many crisis in our own U. S. A.?"

Peace Through Power came to my mine as I have listened/viewed the recent media reports.  So to make an interesting comparision regarding Leadership I will submit this concept:

A Parent strives to be the Child's Friend!!!  Sounds great!!!  However to be an effective Parent one must also respect the Child and be willing to do the correct things as regards discipline.  The Child also has to realize that the Parent is in Charge.  A Parent who is "weak" or full of threats but never expects an appropriate outcome to a child's misbehavior can not expect the child to comply with appropriate/desired behavior.

Even more dramatic is the fact that how can a parent expect a Child to do what is right and good if the parent is not performing in a right and good manner.  I suspect that far too often the Child emulates what they witness. 

While this comparision may sound a bit offbase or even not germane; the concept of Leadership is evident.  In order to lead effectively in the World Arena our President must exude "Power" and the capacity to back up that Power. 

Here we are, deeply in debt and possibly drawing down our defense forces so the World may indeed be ready to consider the United States of America as a "Paper Tiger."  There are some who already think that we have lost respect in the World Arena.

I am not ready for that!!!!   In that regard, far too many have served and perished in our brief 235 year history to simply throw in the towel now.  Looking forward I can still see a "Proud United States of America once again!!"

"Peace Through Power"

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