Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The World This Week
Visitor Report
for the
Previous Seven Days

It is always interesting to view the audience that visits this Blog.  Yesteray I opened the Statistics Tab and viewed the country of orgin count.  In the last seven days the following numbers visited from the countries listed:

United States of America - 191
Indonesia - 8
Canada - 8
China - 6
India - 5
Latvia - 5
United Kingdom - 4
Malaysia - 3
Russia - 3
Brazil -2

When I originated this Blog I felt that the title should be inviting.  I certainly think that I selected an appropriate title for this Blog.

I trust that everyone is having a wonderful day and always remember that every day which allows you to the Sunrise is going to be a Great Day; or at least much better than the alternative.  That is not to make light of millions of citizens in this world that experiencing hunger, illness or other trouble.

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