Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Seventh Year in 4-H

This is a picture that I took during the Summer of 1958 of
the Farm where I and five siblings grew up.  We were all members
of the Jefferson Go-Hawks 4-H Club.
My parents purchased this farm in the Winter of 1941 when
I was a one year old Farm Baby.
This farm consists of 80 acres and the purchase price was
$8000.00 with a one percent loan from the Federal Land Bank.
This farm is still in the family.  The youngest, a boy purchased it
and still resides there.
My 4-H Story for 1958:
     This is my last year in club work because I plan on attending Valparasio University this fall.  I am eighteen years old and live on a farm near Guttenberg.  I am a member of the trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg and am the Treasurer of the Walther League.  I was unable to attend all our club meetings and other 4-H activities this year because I was working out for Norbert Walz to secure funds so I could go to college.
    This year I have a cow entered in the production contest.  This year was her first record so it was not the highest.  I fed my cow a ration of corn and cob meal 4 parts and 1 part oats.  Feeding and managing this cow the past year has taught me a lot that will help me in future years.
     This year I exhibited the grand champion Jersey at the county fair and I also showed the reserve.  My calf took first place honors in the produce of dam class.  Our barn was awarded first place in  cleaness and actractiveness.

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