Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day Thirteen

 As you may suspect, I am following the progress that our Nation's Lawmakers are making as regards our debt and credit situation.  Today I am focused on what we may need to do as Voters.  As you can tell the above two images in this post are not very attractive.  They are well past their prime and really do not function well for their intended purpose.  These flowers may well represent our Older Lawmakers who in many cases appear to be self-centered and only concerned about how long they can serve.  Interesting word - serve - although I suspect that a good many of them have also forgotten the concept of "Servant Leadership."  As I view the evening news and read the print media accounts I often get the impression that these "old-timers" really do not have the good of America on their minds.  They are merely focused on the here and now aspect of their Leadership.

Additionally, there are many of us voters that would appreciate it very much if our Nation's Lawmakers were also "Statesmen" with the mantra that they must work together to resolve problems that will benefit the long term success of our United States of America.  I cannot comprehend the fact that many are so "dried up" just like the flowers pictures above, in their thinking that they cannot see the impact of the current crisis on future generations.

Just like the above beautiful flowers, we do have Lawmakers who are focused on the future.  They appear colorful and full of vigor and ready to perform the difficult task of working to eliminate problems; however the old guard refuses to realize that we cannot spend our way into prosperity. 

Then we have the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who is conducting himself more like a child.  As our Commander in Chief and also President he is acting like a three year old by his actions.  One day he terminates the Visiting Program to the White House and the next day he eliminates Student Aid for our Nation's Heroes.  Of course he has also issued other edicts; however you can comprehend the point I make here.  Our President appears to be so focused on proving his "point" that he cannot see the future.  Maybe our President needs to read Catherine Meeks article in "The Telegraph" today to fully comprehend the concept of "Servant Leadership."

I am currently reading a book entitled:  "Sea of Glory" about the Four Chaplains and the U.S.A.T. Dorchester and the tragic events of  3 February 1943.  The Dorchester was sinking and the four Chaplains give their life jackets away so that others would live.

This type of action is what "Servant Leadership" is all about.  For those who may not know it, these Chaplains were not of the same Faith.  One was a Jew, one was a Catholic, one was a Methodist and one was a Reformed Minister.  These individuals of different beliefs acted for the long term benefit of their fellow mankind.  I suspect that out Nation's Lawmakers could take this example and do likewise. 


Anonymous said...

Here is a comment from a fellow member of the Middle Georgia Camera Club:

"Wow! Politics, Religion, and Photography. Good job."

Anonymous said...

Here is a comment I received from a neighbor:

"Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and the thoughtful comments.
Five years ago, this nation voted for hope and change, envisioning a new kind of leadership that is depicted by the fresh azalea blossoms you photographed. Well, either those flowers are already faded or they were never what we expected in the first place. Amazing thing is how many are so reluctant to face the stark reality."